诡异dblink问题解决–dblink insert操作数据类型发生改变

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标题:诡异dblink问题解决–dblink insert操作数据类型发生改变



[oracle@saas-xunzhi-db1 ~]$ sqlplus testga/testga
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Jan 12 16:26:56 2012
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
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Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
SQL> desc t_xifenfei;
 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
 PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID                       NOT NULL NUMBER(10)
 STATUS_NEW                                         NUMBER
 PACKAGE_NAME                                       VARCHAR2(50)
SQL> desc wf_proc_inst@oldmoa
 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
 ID                                        NOT NULL NUMBER(10)
 NAME                                               VARCHAR2(500)
 PROC_ID                                   NOT NULL NUMBER(10)
 PARE_INST_ID                              NOT NULL NUMBER(10)
 PARE_ACTI_ID                              NOT NULL NUMBER(10)
 INST_CREATOR                                       VARCHAR2(40)
 CREAT_DATE                                         DATE
 STATUS                                             CHAR(1)
 ATT1                                               NUMBER(10)
 ATT2                                               VARCHAR2(255)
 SEQVALUE                                           VARCHAR2(50)



SQL> select t.inst_id as ID,
  2         case w.status
  3           when '0' then
  4            4
  5           when '2' then
  6            3
  7           else
  8            1
  9         end as  status_new,
 10         p.name as PACKAGE_NAME
 11    from wf_proc_inst@oldmoa i
 12    left join wf_proc_info_inst@oldmoa t on t.inst_id = i.id
 13    left join wf_proc_type@oldmoa p on t.type_id = p.id
 14    left join wf_proc_inst@oldmoa w on t.inst_id = w.id
 15   where t.inst_id = i.id
 16     and t.proc_id <> 53
 17     and t.is_ok = 1
 18     AND t.inst_id <= 4837
 19     AND t.inst_id>=4735;
---------- ---------- --------------------------
      4755          3 呈批处理
      4836          3 公文处理



SQL> INSERT INTO t_xifenfei
  2  select t.inst_id as ID,
  3         case w.status
  4           when '0' then
  5            4
  6           when '2' then
  7            3
  8           else
  9            1
 10         end as  status_new,
 11         p.name as PACKAGE_NAME
 12    from wf_proc_inst@oldmoa i
 13    left join wf_proc_info_inst@oldmoa t on t.inst_id = i.id
 14    left join wf_proc_type@oldmoa p on t.type_id = p.id
 15    left join wf_proc_inst@oldmoa w on t.inst_id = w.id
 16   where t.inst_id = i.id
 17     and t.proc_id <> 53
 18     and t.is_ok = 1
 19     AND t.inst_id <= 4837
 20     AND t.inst_id>=4735;
2 rows created.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
SQL> col package_name for a10
SQL> select * from t_xifenfei;
------------------- ---------- ----------
               4755          1 呈批处理
               4836          1 公文处理

这里出现异常,怀疑case中传入的值,都走到else那边了,怀疑是在使用dblink 的时候,char的类型发生的改变,转为了number,导致case匹配失败,所以走到else。


  2  AS
  3  select t.inst_id as ID,
  4         case to_char(w.status)
  5           when '0' then
  6            4
  7           when '2' then
  8            3
  9           else
 10            1
 11         end as  status_new,
 12         p.name as PACKAGE_NAME
 13    from GZZJ.wf_proc_inst i
 14    left join GZZJ.wf_proc_info_inst t on t.inst_id = i.id
 15    left join GZZJ.wf_proc_type p on t.type_id = p.id
 16    left join GZZJ.wf_proc_inst w on t.inst_id = w.id
 17   where t.inst_id = i.id
 18     and t.proc_id <> 53
 19     and t.is_ok = 1
 20     AND t.inst_id <= 4837
 21     AND t.inst_id>=4735;
View created.
SQL> insert into t_xifenfei
  2  select * from v_xifenfei@oldmoa;
2 rows created.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
SQL> select * from t_xifenfei;
------------------- ---------- ----------
               4755          3 呈批处理
               4836          3 公文处理

通过远程视图,接触数据类型发生改变异常(怀疑是dblink 在insert时候,char数据类型变成了number,但是未得到官方或者权威的确认)

One thought on “诡异dblink问题解决–dblink insert操作数据类型发生改变

  1. 直接cast也正常

    SQL&gt; CREATE table t_xifenfei
      2      AS
      3      select t.inst_id as ID,
      4             case to_char(w.status)
      5               when '0' then
      6                4
      7               when '2' then
      8                3
      9               else
     10               1
     11           end as  status_new,
     12            p.name as PACKAGE_NAME
     13       from wf_proc_inst@oldmoa i
     14       left join wf_proc_info_inst@oldmoa t on t.inst_id = i.id
     15      left join wf_proc_type@oldmoa p on t.type_id = p.id
     16      left join wf_proc_inst@oldmoa w on t.inst_id = w.id
     17      where t.inst_id = i.id
     18        and t.proc_id &lt;&gt; 53
     19        and t.is_ok = 1
     20        AND t.inst_id &lt;= 4837
     21        AND t.inst_id&gt;=4735;
    Table created.
    SQL&gt; select * from t_xifenfei;
    ---------- ---------- --------------------------------
          4755          3 呈批处理
          4836          3 公文处理


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