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SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/awrextr.sql
~  This script will extract the AWR data for a range of snapshots  ~
~  into a dump file.  The script will prompt users for the         ~
~  following information:                                          ~
~     (1) database id                                              ~
~     (2) snapshot range to extract                                ~
~     (3) name of directory object                                 ~
~     (4) name of dump file                                        ~
Databases in this Workload Repository schema
   DB Id     DB Name      Host
------------ ------------ ------------
* 1393262699 XIFENFEI     XIFENFEI-PC
  3753332923 FDJDB        ora1
  3753332923 FDJDB        ora2
The default database id is the local one: '1393262699'.  To use this
database id, press <return> to continue, otherwise enter an alternative.
输入 dbid 的值:  3753332923    <--需要输入
Using 3753332923 for Database ID
Specify the number of days of snapshots to choose from
Entering the number of days (n) will result in the most recent
(n) days of snapshots being listed.  Pressing <return> without
specifying a number lists all completed snapshots.
输入 num_days 的值:  1    <--需要输入
Listing the last day's Completed Snapshots
DB Name        Snap Id    Snap Started
------------ --------- ------------------
FDJDB              906 23 4月  2012 00:00
                   907 23 4月  2012 01:00
                   908 23 4月  2012 02:00
                   909 23 4月  2012 03:00
                   910 23 4月  2012 04:00
                   911 23 4月  2012 05:00
                   912 23 4月  2012 06:00
                   913 23 4月  2012 07:00
                   914 23 4月  2012 08:00
                   915 23 4月  2012 09:00
                   916 23 4月  2012 10:00
                   917 23 4月  2012 11:00
                   918 23 4月  2012 12:00
                   919 23 4月  2012 13:00
Specify the Begin and End Snapshot Ids
输入 begin_snap 的值:  906  <--需要输入
Begin Snapshot Id specified: 906
输入 end_snap 的值:  907    <--需要输入
End   Snapshot Id specified: 907
Specify the Directory Name
Directory Name                 Directory Path
------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------
DATA_FILE_DIR                  E:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\demo\schema\sales_history\
DATA_PUMP_DIR                  E:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\rdbms\log\
LOG_FILE_DIR                   E:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\demo\schema\log\
MEDIA_DIR                      E:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\demo\schema\product_media\
ORACLE_OCM_CONFIG_DIR          E:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\ccr\state
SS_OE_XMLDIR                   E:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\demo\schema\ord er_entry\
SUBDIR                         E:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\demo\schema\order_entry\/2002/Sep
XMLDIR                         E:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\rdbms\xml
Choose a Directory Name from the above list (case-sensitive).
输入 directory_name 的值:  DATA_PUMP_DIR  <--需要输入(注意大小写)
Using the dump directory: DATA_PUMP_DIR
Specify the Name of the Extract Dump File
The prefix for the default dump file name is awrdat_906_907.
To use this name, press <return> to continue, otherwise enter
an alternative.
输入 file_name 的值:  xifenfei_awr  <--需要输入
Using the dump file prefix: xifenfei_awr
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
|  The AWR extract dump file will be located
|  in the following directory/file:
|   E:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\rdbms\log\
|   xifenfei_awr.dmp
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
|  *** AWR Extract Started ...
|  This operation will take a few moments. The
|  progress of the AWR extract operation can be
|  monitored in the following directory/file:
|   E:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\rdbms\log\
|   xifenfei_awr.log
|  可以通过查看E:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\rdbms\log\xifenfei_awr.log
|  监控导出awr数据进度
End of AWR Extract


SQL> @E:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\RDBMS\ADMIN\awrload.sql
~  This script will load the AWR data from a dump file. The   ~
~  script will prompt users for the following information:    ~
~     (1) name of directory object                            ~
~     (2) name of dump file                                   ~
~     (3) staging schema name to load AWR data into           ~
Specify the Directory Name
Directory Name                 Directory Path
------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------
DATA_FILE_DIR                  E:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\demo\schema\sales_history\
DATA_PUMP_DIR                  E:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\rdbms\log\
LOG_FILE_DIR                   E:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\demo\schema\log\
MEDIA_DIR                      E:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\demo\schema\product_media\
ORACLE_OCM_CONFIG_DIR          E:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\ccr\state
SS_OE_XMLDIR                   E:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\demo\schema\order_entry\
SUBDIR                         E:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\demo\schema\order_entry\/2002/Sep
XMLDIR                         E:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\rdbms\xml
Choose a Directory Name from the list above (case-sensitive).
输入 directory_name 的值:  DATA_PUMP_DIR  <--需要输入(注意大小写)
Using the dump directory: DATA_PUMP_DIR
Specify the Name of the Dump File to Load
Please specify the prefix of the dump file (.dmp) to load:
输入 file_name 的值:  awrdat_751_919 <--需要输入(文件后缀名一定要是.dmp)
Loading from the file name: awrdat_751_919.dmp
Staging Schema to Load AWR Snapshot Data
The next step is to create the staging schema
where the AWR snapshot data will be loaded.
After loading the data into the staging schema,
the data will be transferred into the AWR tables
in the SYS schema.
The default staging schema name is AWR_STAGE.
To use this name, press <return> to continue, otherwise enter
an alternative.
输入 schema_name 的值:  XFF_AWR  <--需要输入(临时创建用户)
Using the staging schema name: XFF_AWR
Choose the Default tablespace for the XFF_AWR user
Choose the XFF_AWR users's default tablespace.  This is the
tablespace in which the AWR data will be staged.
------------------------------ --------- ------------------
EXAMPLE                        PERMANENT
SYSAUX                         PERMANENT *
USERS                          PERMANENT
Pressing <return> will result in the recommended default
tablespace (identified by *) being used.
输入 default_tablespace 的值:  EXAMPLE  <--需要输入
Using tablespace EXAMPLE as the default tablespace for the XFF_AWR
Choose the Temporary tablespace for the XFF_AWR user
Choose the XFF_AWR user's temporary tablespace.
------------------------------ --------- -----------------------
TEMP                           TEMPORARY *
Pressing <return> will result in the database's default temporary
tablespace (identified by *) being used.
输入 temporary_tablespace 的值:  TEMP  <--需要输入
Using tablespace TEMP as the temporary tablespace for XFF_AWR
... Creating XFF_AWR user  (临时用户创建)
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
|  Loading the AWR data from the following
|  directory/file:
|   E:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\rdbms\log\
|   awrdat_751_919.dmp
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
|  *** AWR Load Started ...
|  This operation will take a few moments. The
|  progress of the AWR load operation can be
|  monitored in the following directory/file:
|   E:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\rdbms\log\
|   awrdat_751_919.log
|  可以通过查看E:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\rdbms\log\awrdat_751_919.log
|  监控导出awr数据进度
... Dropping XFF_AWR user  (临时用户被删除)
End of AWR Load


SQL> @?/RDBMS/admin/awrrpti.sql
Specify the Report Type
Would you like an HTML report, or a plain text report?
Enter 'html' for an HTML report, or 'text' for plain text
Defaults to 'html'
输入 report_type 的值:  html   <--需要输入
Type Specified:  html
Instances in this Workload Repository schema
   DB Id     Inst Num DB Name      Instance     Host
------------ -------- ------------ ------------ ------------
  3753332923        2 FDJDB        fdjdb2       ora2
  3753332923        1 FDJDB        fdjdb1       ora1
* 1393262699        1 XIFENFEI     xff          XIFENFEI-PC
输入 dbid 的值:   3753332923  <--需要输入
Using  3753332923 for database Id
输入 inst_num 的值:  1        <--需要输入
Using 1 for instance number
Specify the number of days of snapshots to choose from
Entering the number of days (n) will result in the most recent
(n) days of snapshots being listed.  Pressing <return> without
specifying a number lists all completed snapshots.
输入 num_days 的值:  1  <--需要输入
Listing the last day's Completed Snapshots
Instance     DB Name        Snap Id    Snap Started    Level
------------ ------------ --------- ------------------ -----
fdjdb1       FDJDB              906 23 4月  2012 00:00     1
                                907 23 4月  2012 01:00     1
                                908 23 4月  2012 02:00     1
                                909 23 4月  2012 03:00     1
                                910 23 4月  2012 04:00     1
                                911 23 4月  2012 05:00     1
                                912 23 4月  2012 06:00     1
                                913 23 4月  2012 07:00     1
                                914 23 4月  2012 08:00     1
                                915 23 4月  2012 09:00     1
                                916 23 4月  2012 10:00     1
                                917 23 4月  2012 11:00     1
                                918 23 4月  2012 12:00     1
                                919 23 4月  2012 13:00     1
Specify the Begin and End Snapshot Ids
输入 begin_snap 的值:  917  <--需要输入
Begin Snapshot Id specified: 917
输入 end_snap 的值:  918    <--需要输入
End   Snapshot Id specified: 918
Specify the Report Name
The default report file name is awrrpt_1_917_918.html.  To use this name,
press <return> to continue, otherwise enter an alternative.
输入 report_name 的值:xifenfei_awr.html  <--需要输入

One thought on “awr导出/导入/分析

  1. 导入时,建议所有值大写,不然可能出现如下错误

    The default staging schema name is AWR_STAGE.
    To use this name, press &lt;return&gt; to continue, otherwise enter
    an alternative.
    输入 schema_name 的值:  chfa    &lt;==大写
    Using the staging schema name: chfa
    Choose the Default tablespace for the chfa user
    Choose the chfa users's default tablespace.  This is the
    tablespace in which the AWR data will be staged.
    ------------------------------ --------- ------------------
    EXAMPLE                        PERMANENT
    SYSAUX                         PERMANENT *
    USERS                          PERMANENT
    Pressing &lt;return&gt; will result in the recommended default
    tablespace (identified by *) being used.
    输入 default_tablespace 的值:  sysaux
    Using tablespace SYSAUX as the default tablespace for the chfa
    Choose the Temporary tablespace for the chfa user
    Choose the chfa user's temporary tablespace.
    ------------------------------ --------- -----------------------
    TEMP                           TEMPORARY *
    Pressing &lt;return&gt; will result in the database's default temporary
    tablespace (identified by *) being used.
    输入 temporary_tablespace 的值:  temp
    Using tablespace temp as the temporary tablespace for chfa
    ... Creating chfa user
    | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    |  Loading the AWR data from the following
    |  directory/file:
    |   E:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\rdbms\log\
    |   awrdat_52444_52570.dmp
    | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    |  *** AWR Load Started ...
    |  This operation will take a few moments. The
    |  progress of the AWR load operation can be
    |  monitored in the following directory/file:
    |   E:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\rdbms\log\
    |   awrdat_52444_52570.log
    第 1 行出现错误:
    ORA-20102: user name 'chfa' is invalid
    ORA-06512: 在 &quot;SYS.DBMS_SWRF_INTERNAL&quot;, line 412
    ORA-01918: 用户 '' 不存在
    ORA-06512: 在 &quot;SYS.DBMS_SWRF_INTERNAL&quot;, line 1717
    ORA-06512: 在 line 3
    第 1 行出现错误:
    ORA-20105: unable to move AWR data to SYS
    ORA-06512: 在 &quot;SYS.DBMS_SWRF_INTERNAL&quot;, line 2950
    ORA-44001: 方案无效
    ORA-06512: 在 line 3
    ... Dropping chfa user
    End of AWR Load
  2. awr导出脚本

      /* call PL/SQL routine to extract the data */
      dbms_swrf_internal.awr_extract(dmpfile  =&gt; :dmpfile,
                                     dmpdir   =&gt; :dmpdir,
                                     bid      =&gt; :bid,
                                     eid      =&gt; :eid,
                                     dbid     =&gt; :dbid);


      /* call PL/SQL routine to load the data into the staging schema */
      dbms_swrf_internal.awr_load(schname  =&gt; :schname,
                                  dmpfile  =&gt; :dmpfile,
                                  dmpdir   =&gt; :dmpdir);
      /* call PL/SQL routine to move the data into AWR */
      dbms_swrf_internal.move_to_awr(schname =&gt; :schname);


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