OERR: ALL 600 Ora 600 Layers

联系:手机/微信(+86 17813235971) QQ(107644445)

标题:OERR: ALL 600 Ora 600 Layers


** 0000 ** Service Layer
   KIESCBAS    (1)                              Component notifier component
   KIESDBAS    (100)                                         Debug component
   KIESEBAS    (300)                                         Error component
   KIESLBAS    (500)                                          Lock component
   KIESMBAS    (700)                                        Memory component
   KIESPBAS    (900)                             System Parameters component
   KIESSBAS    (1100)                          System State object component
   KIESGBAS    (1110)               Generic Linked List management component
   KIESQBAS    (1140)                                      Enqueue component
   KIESIBAS    (1180)                               Instance Locks component
   KIESUBAS    (1200)                            User State object component
   KIESABAS    (1400)                                   Async Msgs component
   KIESKBAS    (1700)                                  license Key component
   KIESRBAS    (1800)                        Instance Registration component
   KIESOBAS    (1850)                                 I/O Services component
** 2000 ** Cache Layer Component Base internal error values
   KIECOBAS    (2000)                                     Cache Op component
   KIECCBAS    (2100)                            Control File mgmt component
   KIECMBAS    (2200)                                        Misc (SCN etc.)
   KIECHBAS    (2400)                             Buffer Instance Hash Table
   KIECRBAS    (2600)                                    Redo file component
   KIECFBAS    (2800)                                      Db file component
   KIECABAS    (3000)                             Redo Application component
   KIECBBAS    (3200)                                    Buffer manager base
   KIECZBAS    (3400)               Archival & media recovery component base
   KIECLBAS    (3500)                           direct Loader component base
   KIECVBAS    (3600)                                recoVery component base
   KIECKBAS    (3700)                                  Thread component base
   KIECKBAS    (3800)                   Compatibility segment component base
   KIECBBAS    (3900)              Buffer working set manager component base
** 4000 ** Transaction Layer
       Transaction Layer Component Base internal error values:
   KIETUBAS    (4000)                             Transaction Undo Component
      internal errors 4100-4199 used by transaction undo component as well
   KIETPBAS    (4210)                                   Transaction Parallel
   KIETLBAS    (4250)                                       Transaction List
   KIETSBAS    (4300)                                    Transaction Segment
   KIETCBAS    (4400)                          Transaction Control Component
      internal errors 4450-4499 used by transaction distributed component
   KIETBBAS    (4500)                            Transaction Block Component
   KIETABAS    (4600)                            Transaction Table Component
   KIETRBAS    (4800)                              Query Row Cache Component
   KIETMBAS    (4900)                          Transaction Monitor Component
   KIETSBAS    (4950)                              Query Bootstrap Component
   KIETEBAS    (5000)                                     Transaction Extent
** 6000 ** Data Layer
** 8000 ** Access Layer
   Data Layer Component Base internal error values:
   8000...8199 reserved for data layer
   8100...8149 reserved for index component
   8100 - 8109 used in KAU
   8110 - 8124 used in KKRI, KDIC (create index)
** 9000 ** Parallel Server
   KIECLBAS    (9000)                            KCL component: 9000 .. 9100
** 10000 ** Control Layer
** 12000 ** User/Oracle Interface Layer
    User/Oracle Interface & SQL Layer "components" (in a loose sense)
   KIEUTBAS   (12000)                         TAC* component: 12000 .. 12009
   KIEURBAS   (12010)                         SORT component: 12010 .. 12199
   KIEUPBAS   (12200)                         OPI* component: 12200 .. 12299
   KIEUSBAS   (12300)      PRS, APA, EVA, EXP, QBA component: 12300 .. 12399
   KIEUWBAS   (12400)    QKA, MSQ, and row source components: 12400 .. 12499
                              reserved for rix: 12480 .. 12499
   KIEUVBAS   (12600)                         *DRV component: 12600 .. 12799
   KIEUDBAS   (12800)          KKDL, KKDC and KKM components: 12800 .. 12999
   KIEUXBAS   (13000                     DELEXE, UPDEXE, CRI: 13000 .. 13079
                                                        REF : 13080 .. 13089
                                                        WSM : 13090 .. 13099
   KIEUABAS   (13100)                                 OPIAMR: 13100 .. 13149
   KIEULBAS   (13200)                            ACL and ATB: 13200 .. 13230
   KIEUZBAS   (13250)                       AUD, AUSDRV, AOP: 13250 .. 13300
   KIEUOBAS   (13301)             KOK* and object extensions: 13301 .. 13499
   KIELCBAS   (16000)                            loader column array builder
** 14000 ** System-dependent "Layer"
   System Dependent Layer Component Base internal error values:
   KIESFBAS   (14000)                                         File component
   KIESCBAS   (14100)                                  Concurrency component
   KIESPBAS   (14200)                                      Process component
   KIESXBAS   (14300)                            Exception-handler component
   KIESMBAS   (14500)                                       Memory component
   ** Note that multiple ports can use the same internal error numbers.
      We allow this because we don't want to waste numbers on port internal
      errors, something which is very rarely used.  In addition it is
      likely that any bug that is reporting a port internal error to the
      generic (portable) coding group is going to have to supply a lot of
      documentation - so if two ports use the same number, it should never
      confuse anybody.
** 15000 ** Security Layer
    15000 - 15079 reserved for KZ*, SEC, and GRA;
    15080 - 15099 reserved for KZL;
    15100 - 15159 reserved for KKP;
    15160 - 15199 reserved for KKO and KKE;
        15190 .. 15199 reserved for KKOCRI
    15200 - 15229 reserved for KKS;
    15230 - 15259 reserved for KKT;
    15260 - 15399 reserved for KKD;
    15400 - 15409 reserved for KKY;
    15410 - 15499 reserved for KKX (and PSD);
    15500 - 15549 reserved for KKM;
    15550 - 15599 reserved for KKR; (and KXH)
    15600 - 15619 reserved for KKF; (parallel query)
    15620 - 15639 reserved for KKZ (snapshots);
    15640 - 15659 reserved for KKXA;
    15660 - 15669 reserved for KKJ (job queue);
    15670 - 15679 reserved for KKFS (parallel query)
    15680 - 15689 reserved for KKRT;
    15690 - 15699 reserved for other KK*;
    15700 - 15799 reserved for KXFP; (parallel query)
    15800 - 15809 reserved for KXFX; (parallel query)
    15810 - 15819 reserved for KXFQ; (parallel query)
    15820 - 15849 reserved for other KXF*; (parallel query)
    15850 - 15859 reserved for KSX*;
    15860 - 15999 reserved for other KX*;
** 16000 ** Loader "Layer"
    16000 - 16149 reserved for the direct loader;
    16150 - 16199 reserved for the c level call interface to direct loader;
    16200 - 16229 reserved for KQL;
    16230 - 16249 reserved for KQLR;
    16250 - 16299 reserved for KQA;
    16300 - 16399 reserved for KM*;
    16400 - 16449 reserved for KKB;
    16450 - 16499 reserved for KQLM;
    16500 - 16549 reserved for KQD;
    16550 - 16559 reserved for KQF;
    16600 - 16650 reserved for KQLS;
    16651 - 16700 reserved for KQLD;
    16701 - 16750 reserved for KQLB;
** 17000 ** Generic "Layer"
    17000 - 17089 reserved for KGL;
    17090 - 17099 reserved for KGE;
    17100 - 17199 reserved for KGH;
    17200 - 17249 reserved for KGLR/KGLRO;
    17250 - 17269 reserved for KGP;
    17270 - 17299 reserved for KGI;
    17300 - 17399 reserved for KGHX;
    17500 - 17624 reserved for I/O subsystem KG components (KGFD, KGFF, KGK)
    17625 - 17639 reserved for KGL3;
    17640 - 17989 reserved for other KG*;
    17990 - 17999 reserved for PL/SQL;
** 18000 **   K2 (2-phase commit),subdiv'd in k2.h: 18000 .. 18499
    18000 - 18999 reserved for K2*;
** 19000 ** Object Layer
    19000 - 19999 reserved for KO*;
    20000 - 20399 reserved for bitmap index KDIB*;
    20400 - 20499 reserved for KKPO;;
    20500 - 20999 reserved for SMR;
** 21000 ** Replication Layer
    21000 - 21999 reserved for KN*;
** 23000 ** OLTP Layer
    23000 - 23999 reserved for KW*;
    24000 - 24049 reserved for QOL;


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