使用 dul 挖数据文件初试

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标题:使用 dul 挖数据文件初试



[oracle@xifenfei dul]$ more init.dul
osd_word_size = 32
control_file = control.txt


[oracle@xifenfei dul]$ more control.txt
         0          1 /u01/oracle/oradata/XFF/system01.dbf
         1          2 /u01/oracle/oradata/XFF/undotbs01.dbf
         2          3 /u01/oracle/oradata/XFF/sysaux01.dbf
         4          4 /u01/oracle/oradata/XFF/users01.dbf
         6          5 /u01/oracle/oradata/XFF/datfttuser.dbf
select ts#,rfile#,name from v$datafile;


[oracle@xifenfei dul]$ ./dul
Data UnLoader: - Internal Only - on Sun Jun 10 06:39:47 2012
with 64-bit io functions
Copyright (c) 1994 2012 Bernard van Duijnen All rights reserved.
 Strictly Oracle Internal Use Only
Found db_id = 3426707456
Found db_name = XFF


Probing file = 1, block = 377
. unloading table                BOOTSTRAP$
DUL: Warning: block number is non zero but marked deferred trying to process it anyhow
      57 rows unloaded
DUL: Warning: Dictionary cache DC_BOOTSTRAP is empty
Reading BOOTSTRAP.dat 57 entries loaded
Parsing Bootstrap$ contents
Generating dict.ddl for version 10
 OBJ$: segobjno 18, file 1 block 121
 TAB$: segobjno 2, tabno 1, file 1  block 25
 COL$: segobjno 2, tabno 5, file 1  block 25
 USER$: segobjno 10, tabno 1, file 1  block 89
Running generated file "@dict.ddl" to unload the dictionary tables
. unloading table                      OBJ$   50930 rows unloaded
. unloading table                      TAB$    1593 rows unloaded
. unloading table                      COL$   55163 rows unloaded
. unloading table                     USER$      61 rows unloaded
Reading USER.dat 61 entries loaded
Reading OBJ.dat 50930 entries loaded and sorted 50930 entries
Reading TAB.dat 1593 entries loaded
Reading COL.dat 55163 entries loaded and sorted 55163 entries
Reading BOOTSTRAP.dat 57 entries loaded
DUL: Warning: Recreating file "dict.ddl"
Generating dict.ddl for version 10
 OBJ$: segobjno 18, file 1 block 121
 TAB$: segobjno 2, tabno 1, file 1  block 25
 COL$: segobjno 2, tabno 5, file 1  block 25
 USER$: segobjno 10, tabno 1, file 1  block 89
 TABPART$: segobjno 266, file 1 block 2121
 INDPART$: segobjno 271, file 1 block 2161
 TABCOMPART$: segobjno 288, file 1 block 2297
 INDCOMPART$: segobjno 293, file 1 block 2345
 TABSUBPART$: segobjno 278, file 1 block 2217
 INDSUBPART$: segobjno 283, file 1 block 2257
 IND$: segobjno 2, tabno 3, file 1  block 25
 ICOL$: segobjno 2, tabno 4, file 1  block 25
 LOB$: segobjno 2, tabno 6, file 1  block 25
 COLTYPE$: segobjno 2, tabno 7, file 1  block 25
 TYPE$: segobjno 181, tabno 1, file 1  block 1297
 COLLECTION$: segobjno 181, tabno 2, file 1  block 1297
 ATTRIBUTE$: segobjno 181, tabno 3, file 1  block 1297
 LOBFRAG$: segobjno 299, file 1 block 2393
 LOBCOMPPART$: segobjno 302, file 1 block 2425
 UNDO$: segobjno 15, file 1 block 105
 TS$: segobjno 6, tabno 2, file 1  block 57
 PROPS$: segobjno 96, file 1 block 721
Running generated file "@dict.ddl" to unload the dictionary tables
. unloading table                      OBJ$
DUL: Warning: Recreating file "OBJ.ctl"
   50930 rows unloaded
. unloading table                      TAB$
DUL: Warning: Recreating file "TAB.ctl"
    1593 rows unloaded
. unloading table                      COL$
DUL: Warning: Recreating file "COL.ctl"
   55163 rows unloaded
. unloading table                     USER$
DUL: Warning: Recreating file "USER.ctl"
      61 rows unloaded
. unloading table                  TABPART$      90 rows unloaded
. unloading table                  INDPART$      99 rows unloaded
. unloading table               TABCOMPART$       0 rows unloaded
. unloading table               INDCOMPART$       0 rows unloaded
. unloading table               TABSUBPART$       0 rows unloaded
. unloading table               INDSUBPART$       0 rows unloaded
. unloading table                      IND$    2251 rows unloaded
. unloading table                     ICOL$    3669 rows unloaded
. unloading table                      LOB$     537 rows unloaded
. unloading table                  COLTYPE$    1702 rows unloaded
. unloading table                     TYPE$    1886 rows unloaded
. unloading table               COLLECTION$     552 rows unloaded
. unloading table                ATTRIBUTE$    7051 rows unloaded
. unloading table                  LOBFRAG$       1 row  unloaded
. unloading table              LOBCOMPPART$       0 rows unloaded
. unloading table                     UNDO$      21 rows unloaded
. unloading table                       TS$       7 rows unloaded
. unloading table                    PROPS$      27 rows unloaded
Reading USER.dat 61 entries loaded
Reading OBJ.dat 50930 entries loaded and sorted 50930 entries
Reading TAB.dat 1593 entries loaded
Reading COL.dat 55163 entries loaded and sorted 55163 entries
Reading TABPART.dat 90 entries loaded and sorted 90 entries
Reading TABCOMPART.dat 0 entries loaded and sorted 0 entries
Reading TABSUBPART.dat 0 entries loaded and sorted 0 entries
Reading INDPART.dat 99 entries loaded and sorted 99 entries
Reading INDCOMPART.dat 0 entries loaded and sorted 0 entries
Reading INDSUBPART.dat 0 entries loaded and sorted 0 entries
Reading IND.dat 2251 entries loaded
Reading LOB.dat 537 entries loaded
Reading ICOL.dat 3669 entries loaded
Reading COLTYPE.dat 1702 entries loaded
Reading TYPE.dat 1886 entries loaded
Reading ATTRIBUTE.dat 7051 entries loaded
Reading COLLECTION.dat 552 entries loaded
Reading BOOTSTRAP.dat 57 entries loaded
Reading LOBFRAG.dat 1 entries loaded and sorted 1 entries
Reading LOBCOMPPART.dat 0 entries loaded and sorted 0 entries
Reading UNDO.dat 21 entries loaded
Reading TS.dat 7 entries loaded
Reading PROPS.dat 27 entries loaded
Database character set is ZHS16GBK
Database national character set is AL16UTF16


DUL> desc chf.t_xifenfei;
obj#= 52189, dataobj#= 52189, ts#= 4, file#= 4, block#=123
      tab#= 0, segcols= 2, clucols= 0
Column information:
icol# 01 segcol# 01           ID len   22 type  2 NUMBER(0,-127)
icol# 02 segcol# 02         NAME len  100 type  1 VARCHAR2 cs 852(ZHS16GBK)
DUL> UNLOAD TABLE chf.t_xifenfei;
. unloading table                T_XIFENFEI       2 rows unloaded


[oracle@xifenfei dul]$ strings  CHF_T_XIFENFEI.dmp
UBernard's DUL
                                                Direct UnLoader(C) in EXPort mode