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c:\>ttBackup  -h
  ttBackup [-h | -help | -?]
  ttBackup [-V | -version]
  ttBackup -dir <directory> [-type <backupType>] [-fname <fileprefix>]
           [-force] {<DSN> | [-connstr] <connStr>}
  -h | -help | -?      Prints this message and exits.
  -V | -version        Prints the release number and exits.
  -type  <backupType>  The type of backup to be performed.  Supported backup
                       types are given below.  Default is "fileFull".
  -dir   <directory>   The directory in which to store the backup files.
  -fname <fileprefix>  The file prefix for the backup files in the backup
                       directory.  Default is the base filename portion of the
                       DataStore parameter of the data store to be backed up.
  -force               Destroy existing backup files before performing backup
                       (full file-based backups only).
  <DSN>, <connStr>     The DSN or ODBC connection string of the data store to
                       be backed up.
Backup types are:
  fileFull         Full backup to the specified backup directory.  The
                   resulting backup is not enabled for incremental backup.
                   This is the default backup type.
  fileFullEnable   Full backup to the specified backup directory.  The
                   resulting backup is enabled for incremental backup.
  fileIncremental  Incremental backup.  Augments pre-existing backup given
                   by '-dir' and optionally '-fname'.
  fileIncrOrFull   If incremental backup is possible, then behaves like
                   "fileIncremental"; else behaves like "fileFullEnable".
NOTE: For above types, '-dir' is required; '-fname' and '-force' are optional.
  streamFull       Full backup to the standard output.  '-dir', '-fname' and
                   '-force' are ignored.
  incrementalStop  Does not perform a backup. Disables an incremental-enabled
                   backup.  '-dir' is required; '-fname' is optional; '-force'
                   is ignored.



c:\>ttbackup -dir E:\oracle\timesten\tt_back\full  -type fileFullEnable    -fname xifenfei01_ -force my_ttdb
Backup started ...
Backup complete
Command> call ttBackupStatus ();
< 2, 0, 1, 2012-02-22 23:13:18.125000, 2012-02-22 23:13:18.505000, 0, 11821056,0, 5896 >
1 row found.
c:\>ttbackup -dir E:\oracle\timesten\tt_back\full  -type fileIncremental  -fname xifenfei01_  -force my_ttdb
Backup started ...
Backup complete
Command> call ttBackupStatus ();
< 2, 0, 0, 2012-02-22 23:19:24.453000, 2012-02-22 23:19:24.702000, 0, 11825152,0, 3960 >
1 row found.
 驱动器 E 中的卷没有标签。
 卷的序列号是 38D0-2A35
 E:\oracle\timesten\tt_back\full 的目录
2012/02/22  23:19    <DIR>          .
2012/02/22  23:19    <DIR>          ..
2012/02/22  23:13        21,119,936 xifenfei01_.0.bac
2012/02/22  23:19        11,943,936 xifenfei01_.0.bac0
2012/02/22  23:19               696 xifenfei01_.sta
               3 个文件     33,064,568 字节
               2 个目录  9,432,420,352 可用字节


c:\>ttbackup -dir E:\oracle\timesten\tt_back\full  -type fileIncrOrFull    -force  -fname xifenfei01_  my_ttdb
Backup started ...
Backup complete
Command> call ttBackupStatus ();
< 2, 0, 0, 2012-02-22 23:47:57.997000, 2012-02-22 23:47:58.174000, 0, 11880448,0, 5740 >
1 row found.
c:\>ttbackup -dir E:\oracle\timesten\tt_back\full  -type fileIncrOrFull    -force  -fname xifenfei00_  my_ttdb
Backup started ...
Backup complete
Command> call ttBackupStatus ();
< 2, 0, 1, 2012-02-22 23:53:37.364000, 2012-02-22 23:53:37.753000, 0, 11886592,0, 5076 >
1 row found.


c:\>ttBackup -type streamFull my_ttdb>E:\oracle\timesten\tt_back\full\xifenfei.tream
Backup started ...
Backup complete
Command> call ttBackupStatus ();
< 2, 1, 1, 2012-02-22 23:38:52.480000, 2012-02-22 23:38:52.606000, 0, 11874304,0, 4384 >
1 row found.
c:\>dir E:\oracle\timesten\tt_back\full\xifenfei.*
 驱动器 E 中的卷没有标签。
 卷的序列号是 38D0-2A35
 E:\oracle\timesten\tt_back\full 的目录
2012/02/22  23:38        33,064,596 xifenfei.tream
               1 个文件     33,064,596 字节
               0 个目录  9,399,287,808 可用字节
如:ttBackup -type streamFull FastIns | dd bs=64k of=/dev/rmt0


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