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标题: GI单独安装tfa



h1:2:respawn:/etc/init.ohasd run >/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null
xifenf01/oradata/sys/soft#ps -ef|grep init
    root        1        0   0 13:12:11      -  0:00 /etc/init
    root 30539998        1   0 18:58:17      -  0:00 /bin/sh /etc/init.ohasd run
    root 31391906  5177692   0 19:44:15  pts/1  0:00 grep init


xifenf01/#export PATH=$PATH:/u01/oracle/app/grid/bin
xifenf01/#/u01/oracle/app/grid/crs/install/tfa_setup.sh -silent -crshome /u01/oracle/app/grid
Starting TFA installation
TFA requires BASH shell. Please install bash and try again.

提示缺少bash shell,下载相关包安装安装(系统AIX 7.1)

xifenf01/oradata/sys/soft#rpm -ivh bash-4.2-3.aix6.1.ppc.rpm
bash                        ##################################################


xifenf01/oradata/sys/soft#/u01/oracle/app/grid/crs/install/tfa_setup.sh -silent -crshome /u01/oracle/app/grid
Starting TFA installation
Using JAVA_HOME : /u01/oracle/app/grid/jdk/jre
Running Auto Setup for TFA as user root...
The following installation requires temporary use of SSH.
If SSH is not configured already then we will remove SSH
when complete.
Installing TFA now...
TFA Will be Installed on xifenf01...
TFA will scan the following Directories
|                       xifenf01                      |
| Trace Directory                          | Resource |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/OPatch/crs/log      | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/cfgtoollogs         | INSTALL  |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/crs/log             | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/cv/log              | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/evm/admin/log       | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/evm/admin/logger    | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/evm/log             | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/install             | INSTALL  |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/log                 | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/log/                | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/network/log         | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/oc4j/j2ee/home/log  | CRSOC4J  |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/opmn/logs           | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/racg/log            | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/rdbms/log           | ASM      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/scheduler/log       | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/srvm/log            | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/oraInventory/ContentsXML | INSTALL  |
| /u01/oracle/app/oraInventory/logs        | INSTALL  |
Installing TFA on xifenf01
HOST: xifenf01  TFA_HOME: /u01/oracle/app/grid/tfa/xifenf01/tfa_home
| Host     | Status of TFA | PID     | Port | Version |
| xifenf01 | RUNNING       | 7536914 | 5000 | |
Summary of TFA Installation:
|                             xifenf01                             |
| Parameter           | Value                                      |
| Install location    | /u01/oracle/app/grid/tfa/xifenf01/tfa_home |
| Repository location | /u01/oracle/app/oracle/tfa/repository      |
| Repository usage    | 0 MB out of 10240 MB                       |
TFA is successfully installed..
Usage : /u01/oracle/app/grid/tfa/bin/tfactl <command> [options]
<command> =
         print        Print requested details
         purge        Delete collections from TFA repository
         directory    Add or Remove or Modify directory in TFA
         host         Add or Remove host in TFA
         set          Turn ON/OFF or Modify various TFA features
         diagcollect  Collect logs from across nodes in cluster
For help with a command: /u01/oracle/app/grid/tfa/bin/tfactl <command> -help


h1:2:respawn:/etc/init.ohasd run >/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null
htfa:2:respawn:/etc/init.tfa run >/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null
xifenf01/oradata/sys/soft#ps -ef|grep init
    root        1        0   0 13:12:11      -  0:00 /etc/init
    root 30277638        1   0 19:26:37      -  0:00 /bin/sh /etc/init.tfa run
    root 30539998        1   0 18:58:17      -  0:00 /bin/sh /etc/init.ohasd run
    root 31391906  5177692   0 19:44:15  pts/1  0:00 grep init


xifenf02/#export PATH=$PATH:/u01/oracle/app/grid/bin
xifenf02/oradata/sys/soft#rpm -ivh bash-4.2-3.aix6.1.ppc.rpm.rpm
bash                        ##################################################
xifenf02/#/u01/oracle/app/grid/crs/install/tfa_setup.sh -silent -crshome /u01/oracle/app/grid
Starting TFA installation
Using JAVA_HOME : /u01/oracle/app/grid/jdk/jre
Running Auto Setup for TFA as user root...
The following installation requires temporary use of SSH.
If SSH is not configured already then we will remove SSH
when complete.
Installing TFA now...
TFA Will be Installed on xifenf02...
TFA will scan the following Directories
|                       xifenf02                      |
| Trace Directory                          | Resource |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/OPatch/crs/log      | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/cfgtoollogs         | INSTALL  |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/crs/log             | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/cv/log              | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/evm/admin/log       | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/evm/admin/logger    | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/evm/log             | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/install             | INSTALL  |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/log                 | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/log/                | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/network/log         | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/oc4j/j2ee/home/log  | CRSOC4J  |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/opmn/logs           | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/racg/log            | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/rdbms/log           | ASM      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/scheduler/log       | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/grid/srvm/log            | CRS      |
| /u01/oracle/app/oraInventory/ContentsXML | INSTALL  |
| /u01/oracle/app/oraInventory/logs        | INSTALL  |
Installing TFA on xifenf02
HOST: xifenf02  TFA_HOME: /u01/oracle/app/grid/tfa/xifenf02/tfa_home
| Host     | Status of TFA | PID     | Port | Version |
| xifenf02 | RUNNING       | 5898636 | 5000 | |
| xifenf01 | RUNNING       | 7536914 | 5000 | |
Summary of TFA Installation:
|                             xifenf02                             |
| Parameter           | Value                                      |
| Install location    | /u01/oracle/app/grid/tfa/xifenf02/tfa_home |
| Repository location | /u01/oracle/app/oracle/tfa/repository      |
| Repository usage    | 0 MB out of 10240 MB                       |
TFA is successfully installed..
Usage : /u01/oracle/app/grid/tfa/bin/tfactl <command> [options]
<command> =
         print        Print requested details
         purge        Delete collections from TFA repository
         directory    Add or Remove or Modify directory in TFA
         host         Add or Remove host in TFA
         set          Turn ON/OFF or Modify various TFA features
         diagcollect  Collect logs from across nodes in cluster
For help with a command: /u01/oracle/app/grid/tfa/bin/tfactl <command> -help


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