file 1 block 128 corrupted/坏块恢复—system rollback坏块修复

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标题:file 1 block 128 corrupted/坏块恢复—system rollback坏块修复


有个数据库file 1 block 128 坏块导致数据库无法启动报错如下

该数据库版本是11.2.0.1,根据我们的经验该block是system rollback 的segment header,以下为我在正常哭查询结果

SQL> select file_id,block_id,blocks from dba_extents where segment_name='SYSTEM';
---------- ---------- ----------
         1        128          8
         1        136          8
         1        528          8
         1        536          8
         1        544          8
         1        552          8
6 rows selected.

dump file 1 block 128 结果

Dump all the blocks in range:
buffer tsn: 0 rdba: 0x00400080 (1/128)
scn: 0x0000.00000000 seq: 0xff flg: 0x04 tail: 0x00000eff
frmt: 0x02 chkval: 0x1387 type: 0x0e=KTU UNDO HEADER W/UNLIMITED EXTENTS
Hex dump of block: st=0, typ_found=1

这里可以看到block scn为0x0000.00000000,而且数据块已经被标记为坏块

从这里可以看出来主要错误是由于Controlscn: 0x0004.119fe191 greater than blockscn: 0x0000.00000000,拷贝system文件到本地,使用bbed修改


H:\temp\SYSTEM01>bbed password=blockedit filename=system01.dbf blocksize=8192
BBED: Release - Limited Production on Thu Mar 17 00:23:49 2016
Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
************* !!! For Oracle Internal Use only !!! ***************
BBED> show all
        FILE#           0
        BLOCK#          1
        OFFSET          0
        DBA             0x00000000 (0 0,1)
        FILENAME        system01.dbf
        BIFILE          bifile.bbd
        BLOCKSIZE       8192
        MODE            Browse
        EDIT            Unrecoverable
        IBASE           Dec
        OBASE           Dec
        WIDTH           80
        COUNT           512
        LOGFILE         log.bbd
        SPOOL           No
BBED> set block 129
        BLOCK#          129
BBED> map
 File: system01.dbf (0)
 Block: 129                                   Dba:0x00000000
 Unlimited Undo Segment Header
 struct kcbh, 20 bytes                      @0
 struct ktech, 72 bytes                     @20
 struct ktemh, 16 bytes                     @92
 struct ktetb[6], 48 bytes                  @108
 struct ktuxc, 104 bytes                    @4148
 struct ktuxe[204], 8160 bytes              @4252
 ub4 tailchk                                @8188
BBED> p kcbh
struct kcbh, 20 bytes                       @0
   ub1 type_kcbh                            @0        0x0e
   ub1 frmt_kcbh                            @1        0xa2
   ub1 spare1_kcbh                          @2        0x00
   ub1 spare2_kcbh                          @3        0x00
   ub4 rdba_kcbh                            @4        0x00400080
   ub4 bas_kcbh                             @8        0x00000000
   ub2 wrp_kcbh                             @12       0x0000
   ub1 seq_kcbh                             @14       0xff
   ub1 flg_kcbh                             @15       0x04 (KCBHFCKV)
   ub2 chkval_kcbh                          @16       0x1387
   ub2 spare3_kcbh                          @18       0x0000
BBED> set mode edit
        MODE            Edit
BBED> d offset 8188
 File: system01.dbf (0)
 Block: 129              Offsets: 8188 to 8191           Dba:0x00000000
 <32 bytes per line>
BBED> m /x 01 offset 8188
 File: system01.dbf (0)
 Block: 129              Offsets: 8188 to 8191           Dba:0x00000000
 <32 bytes per line>
BBED> verify
DBVERIFY - Verification starting
FILE = system01.dbf
BLOCK = 128
DBVERIFY - Verification complete
Total Blocks Examined         : 1
Total Blocks Processed (Data) : 0
Total Blocks Failing   (Data) : 0
Total Blocks Processed (Index): 0
Total Blocks Failing   (Index): 0
Total Blocks Empty            : 0
Total Blocks Marked Corrupt   : 0
Total Blocks Influx           : 0
BBED> sum apply
Check value for File 0, Block 129:
current = 0x1387, required = 0x1387
BBED> verify
DBVERIFY - Verification starting
FILE = system01.dbf
BLOCK = 128
DBVERIFY - Verification complete
Total Blocks Examined         : 1
Total Blocks Processed (Data) : 0
Total Blocks Failing   (Data) : 0
Total Blocks Processed (Index): 0
Total Blocks Failing   (Index): 0
Total Blocks Empty            : 0
Total Blocks Marked Corrupt   : 0
Total Blocks Influx           : 0
BBED> exit
H:\temp\SYSTEM01>dbv file=SYSTEM01.DBF
DBVERIFY: Release - Production on 星期四 3月 17 00:26:26 2016
Copyright (c) 1982, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.
Controlscn: 0x0004.119fe191 greater than blockscn: 0x0000.00000000
页 128 失败, 校验代码为 14509
页 128 失败, 校验代码为 14509
检查的页总数: 209920
处理的页总数 (数据): 132380
失败的页总数 (数据): 0
处理的页总数 (索引): 57168
失败的页总数 (索引): 0
处理的页总数 (其他): 3112
处理的总页数 (段)  : 1
失败的总页数 (段)  : 1
空的页总数: 17260
标记为损坏的总页数: 1
流入的页总数: 0
加密的总页数        : 0
最高块 SCN            : 188826853 (5.188826853)
H:\temp\SYSTEM01>bbed password=blockedit filename=system01.dbf
BBED: Release - Limited Production on Thu Mar 17 00:26:59 2016
Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
************* !!! For Oracle Internal Use only !!! ***************
BBED> set blocksize 8192
        BLOCKSIZE       8192
BBED> set block 129
        BLOCK#          129
BBED> verify
DBVERIFY - Verification starting
FILE = system01.dbf
BLOCK = 128
DBVERIFY - Verification complete
Total Blocks Examined         : 1
Total Blocks Processed (Data) : 0
Total Blocks Failing   (Data) : 0
Total Blocks Processed (Index): 0
Total Blocks Failing   (Index): 0
Total Blocks Empty            : 0
Total Blocks Marked Corrupt   : 0
Total Blocks Influx           : 0
BBED> map
 File: system01.dbf (0)
 Block: 129                                   Dba:0x00000000
 Unlimited Undo Segment Header
 struct kcbh, 20 bytes                      @0
 struct ktech, 72 bytes                     @20
 struct ktemh, 16 bytes                     @92
 struct ktetb[6], 48 bytes                  @108
 struct ktuxc, 104 bytes                    @4148
 struct ktuxe[204], 8160 bytes              @4252
 ub4 tailchk                                @8188
BBED> p kcbh
struct kcbh, 20 bytes                       @0
   ub1 type_kcbh                            @0        0x0e
   ub1 frmt_kcbh                            @1        0xa2
   ub1 spare1_kcbh                          @2        0x00
   ub1 spare2_kcbh                          @3        0x00
   ub4 rdba_kcbh                            @4        0x00400080
   ub4 bas_kcbh                             @8        0x00000000
   ub2 wrp_kcbh                             @12       0x0000
   ub1 seq_kcbh                             @14       0x01
   ub1 flg_kcbh                             @15       0x04 (KCBHFCKV)
   ub2 chkval_kcbh                          @16       0x1387
   ub2 spare3_kcbh                          @18       0x0000
BBED> set mode edit
        MODE            Edit
BBED> m /x 0400 offset 12
 File: system01.dbf (0)
 Block: 129              Offsets:   12 to  523           Dba:0x00000000
 04000104 87130000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 06000000 2f000000
 20100000 05000000 05000000 08000000 2d024000 00000000 05000000 00000000
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 06000000 00000000 00000000 00000040
 81004000 07000000 88004000 08000000 10024000 08000000 18024000 08000000
 20024000 08000000 28024000 08000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 <32 bytes per line>
BBED> p kcbh
struct kcbh, 20 bytes                       @0
   ub1 type_kcbh                            @0        0x0e
   ub1 frmt_kcbh                            @1        0xa2
   ub1 spare1_kcbh                          @2        0x00
   ub1 spare2_kcbh                          @3        0x00
   ub4 rdba_kcbh                            @4        0x00400080
   ub4 bas_kcbh                             @8        0x00000000
   ub2 wrp_kcbh                             @12       0x0004
   ub1 seq_kcbh                             @14       0x01
   ub1 flg_kcbh                             @15       0x04 (KCBHFCKV)
   ub2 chkval_kcbh                          @16       0x1387
   ub2 spare3_kcbh                          @18       0x0000
BBED> m /x 625a60d0 offset 8
 File: system01.dbf (0)
 Block: 129              Offsets:    8 to  519           Dba:0x00000000
 625a60d0 10000104 87130000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 06000000
 2f000000 20100000 05000000 05000000 08000000 2d024000 00000000 05000000
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 06000000 00000000 00000000
 00000040 81004000 07000000 88004000 08000000 10024000 08000000 18024000
 08000000 20024000 08000000 28024000 08000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 <32 bytes per line>
BBED> p kcbh
struct kcbh, 20 bytes                       @0
   ub1 type_kcbh                            @0        0x0e
   ub1 frmt_kcbh                            @1        0xa2
   ub1 spare1_kcbh                          @2        0x00
   ub1 spare2_kcbh                          @3        0x00
   ub4 rdba_kcbh                            @4        0x00400080
   ub4 bas_kcbh                             @8        0xd0605a62
   ub2 wrp_kcbh                             @12       0x0010
   ub1 seq_kcbh                             @14       0x01
   ub1 flg_kcbh                             @15       0x04 (KCBHFCKV)
   ub2 chkval_kcbh                          @16       0x1387
   ub2 spare3_kcbh                          @18       0x0000
BBED> d offset 8188
 File: system01.dbf (0)
 Block: 129              Offsets: 8188 to 8191           Dba:0x00000000
 <32 bytes per line>
BBED> m /x 010e625a
 File: system01.dbf (0)
 Block: 129              Offsets: 8188 to 8191           Dba:0x00000000
 <32 bytes per line>
BBED> verify
DBVERIFY - Verification starting
FILE = system01.dbf
BLOCK = 128
Block 128 is corrupt
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x00400080 (file 0, block 128)
Bad check value found during verification
Data in bad block -
 type: 14 format: 2 rdba: 0x00400080
 last change scn: 0x0010.34605a62 seq: 0x1 flg: 0x04
 consistency value in tail: 0x5a620e01
 check value in block header: 0x1387, computed block checksum: 0x3470
 spare1: 0x0, spare2: 0x0, spare3: 0x0
DBVERIFY - Verification complete
Total Blocks Examined         : 1
Total Blocks Processed (Data) : 0
Total Blocks Failing   (Data) : 0
Total Blocks Processed (Index): 0
Total Blocks Failing   (Index): 0
Total Blocks Empty            : 0
Total Blocks Marked Corrupt   : 1
Total Blocks Influx           : 0
BBED> sum apply
Check value for File 0, Block 129:
current = 0x27f7, required = 0x27f7
BBED> verify
DBVERIFY - Verification starting
FILE = system01.dbf
BLOCK = 128
DBVERIFY - Verification complete
Total Blocks Examined         : 1
Total Blocks Processed (Data) : 0
Total Blocks Failing   (Data) : 0
Total Blocks Processed (Index): 0
Total Blocks Failing   (Index): 0
Total Blocks Empty            : 0
Total Blocks Marked Corrupt   : 0
Total Blocks Influx           : 0
BBED> exit
H:\temp\SYSTEM01>dbv file=SYSTEM01.DBF
DBVERIFY: Release - Production on 星期四 3月 17 00:40:38 2016
Copyright (c) 1982, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.
检查的页总数: 209920
处理的页总数 (数据): 132380
失败的页总数 (数据): 0
处理的页总数 (索引): 57168
失败的页总数 (索引): 0
处理的页总数 (其他): 3112
处理的总页数 (段)  : 1
失败的总页数 (段)  : 0
空的页总数: 17260
标记为损坏的总页数: 0
流入的页总数: 0
加密的总页数        : 0
最高块 SCN            : 188826853 (5.188826853)


One thought on “file 1 block 128 corrupted/坏块恢复—system rollback坏块修复

  1. 惜纷飞老师,有个问题请教下,如果block128坏的数据比较多,比如大面积被写0或者错乱数据,该如何恢复呢?是不是只能用dul工具去提数据了

  2. 这个如果坏的多了,确实不好处理,可能需要考虑dul



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