mysql delete 数据恢复

联系:手机/微信(+86 17813235971) QQ(107644445)

标题:mysql delete 数据恢复



mysql> CREATE TABLE `sms_send_record_del` (
    ->   `messageId` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
    ->   `tokenId` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
    ->   `mobile` varchar(14) default NULL,
    ->   `msgFormat` int(1) NOT NULL,
    ->   `msgContent` varchar(1000) default NULL,
    ->   `scheduleDate` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
    ->   `deliverState` int(1) default NULL,
    ->   `deliverdTime` timestamp NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
    ->   PRIMARY KEY  (`messageId`)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into sms_send_record_del select * from sms_send_record;
Query OK, 11 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 11  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> checksum table sms_send_record_del;
| Table                           | Checksum   |
| sms_service.sms_send_record_del | 2258631583 | 
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> checksum table sms_send_record;    
| Table                       | Checksum   |
| sms_service.sms_send_record | 2258631583 | 
1 row in set (0.00 sec)



mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'datadir';
| Variable_name | Value           |
| datadir       | /var/lib/mysql/ | 
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'innodb_file_per_table';
| Variable_name         | Value |
| innodb_file_per_table | OFF   | 
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'innodb_data_file_path';
| Variable_name         | Value                  |
| innodb_data_file_path | ibdata1:10M:autoextend | 
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> delete from sms_send_record_del;
Query OK, 11 rows affected (0.00 sec)


[root@web103 mysql_recovery]# ./stream_parser -f /var/lib/mysql/ibdata1 
Opening file: /var/lib/mysql/ibdata1
File information:

ID of device containing file:         2049
inode number:                      1344553
protection:                         100660 (regular file)
number of hard links:                    1
user ID of owner:                       27
group ID of owner:                      27
device ID (if special file):             0
blocksize for filesystem I/O:         4096
number of blocks allocated:         315712
time of last access:            1440599559 Wed Aug 26 22:32:39 2015
time of last modification:      1440601853 Wed Aug 26 23:10:53 2015
time of last status change:     1440601853 Wed Aug 26 23:10:53 2015
total size, in bytes:            161480704 (154.000 MiB)

Size to process:                 161480704 (154.000 MiB)
Opening file: /var/lib/mysql/ibdata1
File information:

ID of device containing file:         2049
inode number:                      1344553
protection:                         100660 (regular file)
number of hard links:                    1
user ID of owner:                       27
group ID of owner:                      27
device ID (if special file):             0
blocksize for filesystem I/O:         4096
number of blocks allocated:         315712
time of last access:            1440599559 Wed Aug 26 22:32:39 2015
time of last modification:      1440601853 Wed Aug 26 23:10:53 2015
time of last status change:     1440601853 Wed Aug 26 23:10:53 2015
total size, in bytes:            161480704 (154.000 MiB)

Size to process:                 161480704 (154.000 MiB)
Opening file: /var/lib/mysql/ibdata1
File information:

ID of device containing file:         2049
inode number:                      1344553
protection:                         100660 (regular file)
number of hard links:                    1
user ID of owner:                       27
group ID of owner:                      27
device ID (if special file):             0
blocksize for filesystem I/O:         4096
number of blocks allocated:         315712
time of last access:            1440599559 Wed Aug 26 22:32:39 2015
time of last modification:      1440601853 Wed Aug 26 23:10:53 2015
time of last status change:     1440601853 Wed Aug 26 23:10:53 2015
total size, in bytes:            161480704 (154.000 MiB)

Size to process:                 161480704 (154.000 MiB)
Opening file: /var/lib/mysql/ibdata1
File information:

ID of device containing file:         2049
inode number:                      1344553
protection:                         100660 (regular file)
number of hard links:                    1
user ID of owner:                       27
group ID of owner:                      27
device ID (if special file):             0
blocksize for filesystem I/O:         4096
number of blocks allocated:         315712
time of last access:            1440599559 Wed Aug 26 22:32:39 2015
time of last modification:      1440601853 Wed Aug 26 23:10:53 2015
time of last status change:     1440601853 Wed Aug 26 23:10:53 2015
total size, in bytes:            161480704 (154.000 MiB)

Size to process:                 161480704 (154.000 MiB)
Opening file: /var/lib/mysql/ibdata1
File information:

ID of device containing file:         2049
inode number:                      1344553
protection:                         100660 (regular file)
number of hard links:                    1
user ID of owner:                       27
group ID of owner:                      27
device ID (if special file):             0
blocksize for filesystem I/O:         4096
number of blocks allocated:         315712
Opening file: /var/lib/mysql/ibdata1
time of last access:            1440599559 Wed Aug 26 22:32:39 2015
time of last modification:      1440601853 Wed Aug 26 23:10:53 2015
time of last status change:     1440601853 Wed Aug 26 23:10:53 2015
File information:

total size, in bytes:            161480704 (154.000 MiB)

ID of device containing file:         2049
Size to process:                 161480704 (154.000 MiB)
Opening file: /var/lib/mysql/ibdata1
File information:

ID of device containing file:         2049
inode number:                      1344553
protection:                         100660 (regular file)
number of hard links:                    1
user ID of owner:                       27
group ID of owner:                      27
device ID (if special file):             0
blocksize for filesystem I/O:         4096
number of blocks allocated:         315712
time of last access:            1440599559 Wed Aug 26 22:32:39 2015
time of last modification:      1440601853 Wed Aug 26 23:10:53 2015
time of last status change:     1440601853 Wed Aug 26 23:10:53 2015
total size, in bytes:            161480704 (154.000 MiB)

Size to process:                 161480704 (154.000 MiB)
Opening file: /var/lib/mysql/ibdata1
inode number:                      1344553
protection:                         100660 (regular file)
number of hard links:                    1
user ID of owner:                       27
group ID of owner:                      27
device ID (if special file):             0
File information:

blocksize for filesystem I/O:         4096
number of blocks allocated:         315712
ID of device containing file:         2049
inode number:                      1344553
protection:                         100660 (regular file)
number of hard links:                    1
user ID of owner:                       27
group ID of owner:                      27
device ID (if special file):             0
blocksize for filesystem I/O:         4096
number of blocks allocated:         315712
time of last access:            1440599559 Wed Aug 26 22:32:39 2015
time of last modification:      1440601853 Wed Aug 26 23:10:53 2015
time of last status change:     1440601853 Wed Aug 26 23:10:53 2015
total size, in bytes:            161480704 (154.000 MiB)

Size to process:                 161480704 (154.000 MiB)
time of last access:            1440601884 Wed Aug 26 23:11:24 2015
time of last modification:      1440601853 Wed Aug 26 23:10:53 2015
time of last status change:     1440601853 Wed Aug 26 23:10:53 2015
total size, in bytes:            161480704 (154.000 MiB)

Size to process:                 161480704 (154.000 MiB)
All workers finished in 0 sec


mysql> show tables
    -> ;
| Tables_in_test |
| SYS_FIELDS     | 
| SYS_TABLES     | 
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from SYS_TABLES;
| NAME                                   | ID | N_COLS      | TYPE | MIX_ID | MIX_LEN | CLUSTER_NAME | SPACE |
| recover/t_delete                       | 74 |           2 |    1 |      0 |       0 |              |     0 | 
| recover/t_delete1                      | 84 |           2 |    1 |      0 |       0 |              |     0 | 
| recover/t_xifenfei                     | 75 |           2 |    1 |      0 |       0 |              |     0 | 
| recover/zx_users                       | 89 |          85 |    1 |      0 |       0 |              |     0 | 
| sms_service/sms_send_record            | 36 |           8 |    1 |      0 |       0 |              |     0 | 
| sms_service/sms_send_record_del        | 90 |           8 |    1 |      0 |       0 |              |     0 | 
| SYS_FOREIGN                            | 11 | -2147483644 |    1 |      0 |       0 |              |     0 | 
| SYS_FOREIGN_COLS                       | 12 | -2147483644 |    1 |      0 |       0 |              |     0 | 
| test/SYS_COLUMNS                       | 86 |           7 |    1 |      0 |       0 |              |     0 | 
| test/SYS_FIELDS                        | 88 |           3 |    1 |      0 |       0 |              |     0 | 
| test/SYS_INDEXES                       | 87 |           7 |    1 |      0 |       0 |              |     0 | 
| test/SYS_TABLES                        | 85 |           8 |    1 |      0 |       0 |              |     0 | 
| test/zx_users                          | 43 |          85 |    1 |      0 |       0 |              |     0 | 
| xifenfei/t_delete                      | 44 |           8 |    1 |      0 |       0 |              |     0 | 
| xifenfei/t_xifenfei                    | 59 |           2 |    1 |      0 |       0 |              |     0 | 
39 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from SYS_INDEXES WHERE TABLE_ID=90;
|       90 | 110 | PRIMARY |        1 |    3 |     0 |    2955 | 
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


[root@web103 mysql_recovery]# ./c_parser -5Df pages-ibdata1/FIL_PAGE_INDEX/ \
[root@web103 mysql_recovery]#    -t dictionary/sms_send_record_del.sql >/tmp/t_1.txt 2>/tmp/t_1.sql



mysql> use sms_service;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
mysql> source /tmp/t_1.sql
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 11 rows affected, 8 warnings (0.01 sec)
Records: 11  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0  Warnings: 8

mysql> checksum table sms_send_record_del;
| Table                           | Checksum   |
| sms_service.sms_send_record_del | 2258631583 | 
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
