200T 数据库非归档无备份恢复

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标题:200T 数据库非归档无备份恢复


一套近200T的,6个节点的RAC,由于存储管线链路不稳定,导致服务器经常性掉盘,引起asm 磁盘组频繁dismount/mount,数据库集群节点不停的重启,修复好链路问题之后,数据库启动报ORA-01113,ORA-01110

通过Oracle数据库异常恢复检查脚本(Oracle Database Recovery Check)脚本检测,发现有10个数据文件异常,无法正常恢复



SQL> @dbms_diskgroup_get_block.sql  +DATA/xifenfei.dbf 1 1 /tmp/xff/xifenfei.dbf.header

Parameter 1:
ASM_file_name (required)

Parameter 2:
block_to_extract (required)

Parameter 3
number_of_blocks_to_extract (required)

Parameter 4:
FileSystem_File_Name (required)

old  14:  v_AsmFilename := '&ASM_File_Name';
new  14:  v_AsmFilename := '+DATA/xifenfei.dbf';
old  15:  v_offstart := '&block_to_extract';
new  15:  v_offstart := '1';
old  16:  v_numblks := '&number_of_blocks_to_extract';
new  16:  v_numblks := '1';
old  17:  v_FsFilename := '&FileSystem_File_Name';
new  17:  v_FsFilename := '/tmp/xff/xifenfei.dbf.header';
File: +DATA/xifenfei.dbf
Type: 2 Data File
Size (in logical blocks): 3978880
Logical Block Size: 16384
Physical Block Size: 512

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


BBED> set filename 'xifenfei.dbf.header'
	FILENAME       	xifenfei.dbf.header

BBED> set blocksize 16384
	BLOCKSIZE      	16384

BBED> map
 File: xifenfei.dbf.header (0)
 Block: 1                                     Dba:0x00000000
 Data File Header

 struct kcvfh, 860 bytes                    @0       

 ub4 tailchk                                @16380   

BBED> p kcvfh.kcvfhckp.kcvcpscn
struct kcvcpscn, 8 bytes                    @484     
   ub4 kscnbas                              @484      0xa8061324
   ub2 kscnwrp                              @488      0x0081

BBED> assign file 295 block 1 kcvfh.kcvfhckp.kcvcpscn = file 1 block 1 kcvfh.kcvfhckp.kcvcpscn;
struct kcvcpscn, 8 bytes                    @484     
   ub4 kscnbas                              @484      0xa8133e2b
   ub2 kscnwrp                              @488      0x0081


SQL> @dbms_diskgroup_cp_block_to_asm.sql  /tmp/xff/xifenfei.dbf.header  +DATA/xifenfei.dbf 1 1 

Parameter 1:
v_FsFileName (required)

Parameter 2:
v_AsmFileName (required)

Parameter 3
v_offstart (required)

Parameter 4
v_numblks (required)

old  16: v_FsFileName := '&v_FsFileName';
new  16: v_FsFileName := '/tmp/xff/xifenfei.dbf.header';
old  17: v_AsmFileName := '&v_AsmFileName';
new  17: v_AsmFileName := '+DATA/xifenfei.dbf';
old  18: v_offstart := '&v_offstart';
new  18: v_offstart := '1';
old  19:  v_numblks := '&v_numblks';
new  19:  v_numblks := '1';
File: +DATA/xifenfei.dbf
Type: 2 Data File
Size (in logical blocks): 3978880
Logical Block Size: 16384

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


[oracle@xff1 xff]$ sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sat Aug 10 16:45:02 2024

Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, Automatic Storage Management, OLAP,
Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

SQL> set numw 16
SQL> select CHECKPOINT_CHANGE# from v$datafile_header where file# in (1,295);


SQL> recover datafile 295;
Media recovery complete.


SQL> recover database;
Media recovery complete.
SQL> alter database open;

Database altered.


Sat Aug 10 16:46:11 2024
Media Recovery Start
Serial Media Recovery started
WARNING! Recovering data file 295 from a fuzzy backup. It might be an online
backup taken without entering the begin backup command.
Media Recovery Complete (xff1)
Completed: ALTER DATABASE RECOVER  datafile 295  
Sat Aug 10 16:46:39 2024
Media Recovery Start
 started logmerger process
Sat Aug 10 16:46:51 2024
WARNING! Recovering data file 1139 from a fuzzy backup. It might be an online
backup taken without entering the begin backup command.
WARNING! Recovering data file 1140 from a fuzzy backup. It might be an online
backup taken without entering the begin backup command.
WARNING! Recovering data file 1601 from a fuzzy backup. It might be an online
backup taken without entering the begin backup command.
WARNING! Recovering data file 1803 from a fuzzy backup. It might be an online
backup taken without entering the begin backup command.
WARNING! Recovering data file 1827 from a fuzzy backup. It might be an online
backup taken without entering the begin backup command.
WARNING! Recovering data file 1931 from a fuzzy backup. It might be an online
backup taken without entering the begin backup command.
WARNING! Recovering data file 2185 from a fuzzy backup. It might be an online
backup taken without entering the begin backup command.
WARNING! Recovering data file 2473 from a fuzzy backup. It might be an online
backup taken without entering the begin backup command.
WARNING! Recovering data file 2616 from a fuzzy backup. It might be an online
backup taken without entering the begin backup command.
Sat Aug 10 16:46:54 2024
Parallel Media Recovery started with 64 slaves
Media Recovery Complete (xff1)
Completed: ALTER DATABASE RECOVER  database  
Sat Aug 10 17:19:58 2024
alter database open
This instance was first to open
Sat Aug 10 17:19:58 2024
SUCCESS: diskgroup DATA was mounted
Sat Aug 10 17:19:58 2024
NOTE: dependency between database xff and diskgroup resource ora.DATA.dg is established
Sat Aug 10 17:20:10 2024
Picked broadcast on commit scheme to generate SCNs
Sat Aug 10 17:20:10 2024
SUCCESS: diskgroup REDO was mounted
Sat Aug 10 17:20:10 2024
NOTE: dependency between database xff and diskgroup resource ora.REDO.dg is established
Thread 1 opened at log sequence 124958
  Current log# 14 seq# 124958 mem# 0: +REDO/xff/log2.ora
Successful open of redo thread 1
MTTR advisory is disabled because FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET is not set
Sat Aug 10 17:20:14 2024
SMON: enabling cache recovery
Instance recovery: looking for dead threads
Instance recovery: lock domain invalid but no dead threads
[33770] Successfully onlined Undo Tablespace 2.
Undo initialization finished serial:0 start:261099864 end:261100854 diff:990 (9 seconds)
Verifying file header compatibility for 11g tablespace encryption..
Verifying 11g file header compatibility for tablespace encryption completed
SMON: enabling tx recovery
Database Characterset is ZHS16GBK
Sat Aug 10 17:20:16 2024
minact-scn: Inst 1 is now the master inc#:2 mmon proc-id:33650 status:0x7
minact-scn status: grec-scn:0x0000.00000000 gmin-scn:0x0000.00000000 gcalc-scn:0x0000.00000000
Starting background process GTX0
Sat Aug 10 17:20:16 2024
GTX0 started with pid=45, OS id=34119 
Starting background process RCBG
Sat Aug 10 17:20:16 2024
RCBG started with pid=46, OS id=34121 
replication_dependency_tracking turned off (no async multimaster replication found)
Starting background process QMNC
Sat Aug 10 17:20:16 2024
QMNC started with pid=47, OS id=34134 
Starting background process SMCO
Completed: alter database open



SQL> @hcheck.sql
HCheck Version 07MAY18 on 10-AUG-2024 18:24:49
Catalog Version (1102000300)
db_name: XFF

				   Catalog	 Fixed
Procedure Name			   Version    Vs Release    Timestamp
------------------------------ ... ---------- -- ---------- --------------
.- LobNotInObj		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:49 PASS
.- MissingOIDOnObjCol	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:49 PASS
.- SourceNotInObj	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:49 PASS
.- OversizedFiles	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:50 PASS
.- PoorDefaultStorage	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:50 PASS
.- PoorStorage		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:50 PASS
.- TabPartCountMismatch        ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:50 PASS
.- OrphanedTabComPart	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:50 PASS
.- MissingSum$		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:50 PASS
.- MissingDir$		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:50 PASS
.- DuplicateDataobj	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:50 PASS
.- ObjSynMissing	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:51 PASS
.- ObjSeqMissing	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:51 PASS
.- OrphanedUndo 	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:51 PASS
.- OrphanedIndex	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:51 PASS
.- OrphanedIndexPartition      ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:51 PASS
.- OrphanedIndexSubPartition   ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:52 PASS
.- OrphanedTable	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:52 PASS
.- OrphanedTablePartition      ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:52 PASS
.- OrphanedTableSubPartition   ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:52 PASS
.- MissingPartCol	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:52 PASS
.- OrphanedSeg$ 	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:52 PASS
.- OrphanedIndPartObj#	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:52 PASS
.- DuplicateBlockUse	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:52 PASS
.- FetUet		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:52 PASS
.- Uet0Check		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:52 PASS
.- SeglessUET		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:52 PASS
.- BadInd$		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:52 PASS
.- BadTab$		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:53 PASS
.- BadIcolDepCnt	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:53 PASS
.- ObjIndDobj		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:53 PASS
.- TrgAfterUpgrade	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:53 PASS
.- ObjType0		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:53 PASS
.- BadOwner		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:53 PASS
.- StmtAuditOnCommit	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:53 PASS
.- BadPublicObjects	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:53 PASS
.- BadSegFreelist	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:53 PASS
.- BadDepends		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:53 PASS
.- CheckDual		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:53 PASS
.- ObjectNames		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:53 PASS
.- BadCboHiLo		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:54 PASS
.- ChkIotTs		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:54 PASS
.- NoSegmentIndex	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:54 PASS
.- BadNextObject	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:54 PASS
.- DroppedROTS		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:54 PASS
.- FilBlkZero		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:54 PASS
.- DbmsSchemaCopy	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:54 PASS
.- OrphanedObjError	       ... 1102000300 >  1102000000 08/10 18:24:54 PASS
.- ObjNotLob		       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:54 PASS
.- MaxControlfSeq	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:24:55 PASS
.- SegNotInDeferredStg	       ... 1102000300 >  1102000000 08/10 18:25:18 PASS
.- SystemNotRfile1	       ... 1102000300 >   902000000 08/10 18:25:18 PASS
.- DictOwnNonDefaultSYSTEM     ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:25:18 PASS
.- OrphanTrigger	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:25:18 PASS
.- ObjNotTrigger	       ... 1102000300 <=  *All Rel* 08/10 18:25:18 PASS
10-AUG-2024 18:25:18  Elapsed: 29 secs
Found 0 potential problem(s) and 0 warning(s)

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Statement processed.

Complete output is in trace file:
