再现ORA-600 4000故障处理

联系:手机/微信(+86 17813235971) QQ(107644445)QQ咨询惜分飞

标题:再现ORA-600 4000故障处理




Wed Oct 18 11:23:25 2023
alter database open resetlogs
Wed Oct 18 11:23:25 2023
RESETLOGS is being done without consistancy checks. This may result
in a corrupted database. The database should be recreated.
RESETLOGS after incomplete recovery UNTIL CHANGE 236715370
Resetting resetlogs activation ID 4009817354 (0xef00f50a)
Wed Oct 18 11:23:26 2023
Setting recovery target incarnation to 3
Wed Oct 18 11:23:26 2023
Assigning activation ID 4271120987 (0xfe94225b)
Thread 1 opened at log sequence 1
  Current log# 1 seq# 1 mem# 0: D:\ORADATA\EAIS\REDO01.LOG
Successful open of redo thread 1
Wed Oct 18 11:23:26 2023
MTTR advisory is disabled because FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET is not set
Wed Oct 18 11:23:26 2023
SMON: enabling cache recovery
Wed Oct 18 11:23:27 2023
Errors in file d:\hys_db\admin\eais\udump\eais_ora_10916.trc:
ORA-00600: 内部错误代码, 参数: [4000], [9], [], [], [], [], [], []

Wed Oct 18 11:23:28 2023
Errors in file d:\hys_db\admin\eais\udump\eais_ora_10916.trc:
ORA-00704: 引导程序进程失败
ORA-00704: 引导程序进程失败
ORA-00600: 内部错误代码, 参数: [4000], [9], [], [], [], [], [], []

Wed Oct 18 11:23:28 2023
Error 704 happened during db open, shutting down database
USER: terminating instance due to error 704
Wed Oct 18 11:23:28 2023
Errors in file d:\hys_db\admin\eais\bdump\eais_pmon_1764.trc:
ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure

Wed Oct 18 11:23:29 2023
Errors in file d:\hys_db\admin\eais\bdump\eais_reco_9628.trc:
ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure

Wed Oct 18 11:23:29 2023
Errors in file d:\hys_db\admin\eais\bdump\eais_smon_9884.trc:
ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure

Wed Oct 18 11:23:29 2023
Errors in file d:\hys_db\admin\eais\bdump\eais_ckpt_10096.trc:
ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure

Wed Oct 18 11:23:29 2023
Errors in file d:\hys_db\admin\eais\bdump\eais_lgwr_8932.trc:
ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure

Wed Oct 18 11:23:29 2023
Errors in file d:\hys_db\admin\eais\bdump\eais_dbw0_9892.trc:
ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure

Wed Oct 18 11:23:29 2023
Errors in file d:\hys_db\admin\eais\bdump\eais_mman_9472.trc:
ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure

Wed Oct 18 11:23:29 2023
Errors in file d:\hys_db\admin\eais\bdump\eais_psp0_7692.trc:
ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure

Instance terminated by USER, pid = 10916
ORA-1092 signalled during: alter database open resetlogs...

resetlogs失败,报ora-600 4000错误,查看相关trace文件

*** 2023-10-18 11:23:27.103
ksedmp: internal or fatal error
ORA-00600: 内部错误代码, 参数: [4000], [9], [], [], [], [], [], []
Current SQL statement for this session:
select ctime, mtime, stime from obj$ where obj# = :1
----- Call Stack Trace -----
calling              call     entry                argument values in hex      
location             type     point                (? means dubious value)     
-------------------- -------- -------------------- ----------------------------
_ksedst+38           CALLrel  _ksedst1+0           0 1
_ksedmp+898          CALLrel  _ksedst+0            0
_ksfdmp+14           CALLrel  _ksedmp+0            3
603A816A             CALLreg  00000000             6AE8258 3
603A8550             CALLrel  603A80D8             6AE8258 4FB1090 FA0 1 8C886B0
__VInfreq__ktudba+1  CALLrel  _kgeasi+0            6AE8258 4FB1090 FA0 2 1 0 9 0
_ktrgcm+851          CALLrel  _ktudba+0            9 8C88B68 0 0
_ktrgtc+526          CALLrel  _ktrgcm+0            4FC753C
_kdsgrp+937          CALLrel  _ktrgtc+0            4FC753C 4FC74E0 1F1FB00
                                                   8C88CB4 240 2AED19C 1F1F71C
_kdsfbrcb+432        CALLrel  _kdsgrp+0            4FC7538 0 4FC7538
_qertbFetchByRowID+  CALLrel  _kdsfbrcb+0          4FC7538 4FDF004 0 1 0 0
4344                                               4FC74E0 22E8078 8C88E14 0
_opifch2+3104        CALL???  00000000             8DA05838 20135FC 8C890AC 1
_opifch+51           CALLrel  _opifch2+0           89 5 8C891F0
_opiodr+1099         CALLreg  00000000             5 2 8C89938
_rpidrus+178         CALLrel  _opiodr+0            5 2 8C89938 5
_rpidru+88           CALLrel  _rpidrus+0           8C894C4
_rpiswu2+426         CALLreg  00000000             8C8988C
_rpidrv+1461         CALLrel  _rpiswu2+0           90F3CCB4 0 8C89860 2 8C89880
                                                   0 8C89860 0 84DF58 84E018
                                                   8C8988C 8
_rpifch+44           CALLrel  _rpidrv+0            5 5 8C89938 8
_kqdpts+166          CALLrel  _rpifch+0            5 5 5 3 90AE2383 7 C 0 0 0 0
                                                   0 0 0 5 2 90AE237C 7 C 0 0 0
                                                   0 0 0 0
_kqrlfc+478          CALLrel  _kqdpts+0            90AE21F4
_kqlbplc+102         CALLrel  _kqrlfc+0            
_kqlblfc+240         CALLrel  _kqlbplc+0           0
_adbdrv+12911        CALLrel  _kqlblfc+0           0 8C8D034
_opiexe+11778        CALLrel  _adbdrv+0            
_opiosq0+6088        CALLrel  _opiexe+0            4 0 8C8D894
_kpooprx+232         CALLrel  _opiosq0+0           3 E 8C8D9AC A4
_kpoal8+775          CALLrel  _kpooprx+0           8C8F6CC 8C8E248 1D 1 0 A4
_opiodr+1099         CALLreg  00000000             5E 17 8C8F6C8
60FEFF8D             CALLreg  00000000             5E 17 8C8F6C8 0
_opitsk+1017         CALL???  00000000             
_opiino+1087         CALLrel  _opitsk+0            0 0
_opiodr+1099         CALLreg  00000000             3C 4 8C8FC60
_opidrv+819          CALLrel  _opiodr+0            3C 4 8C8FC60 0
_sou2o+45            CALLrel  _opidrv+0            3C 4 8C8FC60
_opimai_real+112     CALLrel  _sou2o+0             8C8FC54 3C 4 8C8FC60
_opimai+92           CALLrel  _opimai_real+0       2 8C8FC8C
_OracleThreadStart@  CALLrel  _opimai+0            
74A93438             CALLptr  00000000             
76F09830             CALLreg  00000000             
76F09800             CALLrel  76F0980B             
--------------------- Binary Stack Dump ---------------------


重现ORA-600 4000异常
记录一次ORA-600 4000数据库故障恢复
ORACLE 8.1.7 数据库ORA-600 4000故障恢复

ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [kdxlin()+4088]处理

联系:手机/微信(+86 17813235971) QQ(107644445)QQ咨询惜分飞

标题:ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [kdxlin()+4088]处理



Tue Sep 19 21:52:56 2023
NOTE: dependency between database orcl and diskgroup resource ora.DATA.dg is established
Tue Sep 19 21:52:57 2023
Reconfiguration started (old inc 4, new inc 6)
List of instances:
 1 (myinst: 1) 
 Global Resource Directory frozen
 * dead instance detected - domain 0 invalid = TRUE 
 Communication channels reestablished
 Master broadcasted resource hash value bitmaps
 Non-local Process blocks cleaned out
Tue Sep 19 21:52:57 2023
Tue Sep 19 21:52:57 2023
 LMS 3: 0 GCS shadows cancelled, 0 closed, 0 Xw survived
Tue Sep 19 21:52:57 2023
 LMS 0: 0 GCS shadows cancelled, 0 closed, 0 Xw survived
 LMS 1: 0 GCS shadows cancelled, 0 closed, 0 Xw survived
Tue Sep 19 21:52:57 2023
 LMS 2: 0 GCS shadows cancelled, 0 closed, 0 Xw survived
 Set master node info 
 Submitted all remote-enqueue requests
 Dwn-cvts replayed, VALBLKs dubious
 All grantable enqueues granted
 Post SMON to start 1st pass IR
 Submitted all GCS remote-cache requests
 Post SMON to start 1st pass IR
 Fix write in gcs resources
Reconfiguration complete
Tue Sep 19 21:53:05 2023
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl1/trace/orcl1_ora_28917.trc  (incident=492333):
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [2131], [33], [32], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
Incident details in:/u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl1/incident/incdir_492333/orcl1_ora_28917_i492333.trc
Use ADRCI or Support Workbench to package the incident.
See Note 411.1 at My Oracle Support for error and packaging details.
ORA-600 signalled during: ALTER DATABASE MOUNT /* db agent *//* {1:34652:2} */...

重建ctl之后,尝试recover数据库报错ORA-600 3020和ORA-07445 kdxlin等错误

SQL> recover database;
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [3020], [41], [3142531],
[175108995], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
ORA-10567: Redo is inconsistent with data block (file# 41, block# 3142531, file
offset is 4268777472 bytes)
ORA-10564: tablespace XIFENFEI
ORA-01110: data file 41: '+DATA/orcl/datafile/xifenfei07.dbf'
ORA-10560: block type 'FIRST LEVEL BITMAP BLOCK'
Wed Sep 20 00:15:00 2023
Media Recovery Start
 started logmerger process
Parallel Media Recovery started with 64 slaves
Wed Sep 20 00:15:02 2023
Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 2 Group 6 Seq 67008 Reading mem 0
  Mem# 0: +DATA/orcl/onlinelog/group_6.268.942097791
Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 2 Seq 81767 Reading mem 0
  Mem# 0: +DATA/orcl/onlinelog/group_2.262.942097651
Recovery of Online Redo Log: Thread 1 Group 5 Seq 81768 Reading mem 0
  Mem# 0: +DATA/orcl/onlinelog/group_5.263.942097651
Wed Sep 20 00:15:08 2023
Hex dump of (file 41, block 3142531) in trace file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl1/trace/orcl1_pr1m_45463.trc
Reading datafile '+DATA/orcl/datafile/ts_his3bz07.dbf' for corruption at rdba: 0x0a6ff383 (file 41, block 3142531)
Reread (file 41, block 3142531) found different corrupt data (logically corrupt)
Hex dump of (file 41, block 3142531) in trace file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl1/trace/orcl1_pr1m_45463.trc
Wed Sep 20 00:15:08 2023
Exception [type: SIGSEGV, Address not mapped to object][ADDR:0xC] [PC:0x95FB582, kdxlin()+4088][flags: 0x0,count:1]
Wed Sep 20 00:15:08 2023
Exception [type: SIGSEGV, Address not mapped to object][ADDR:0xC] [PC:0x95FB582, kdxlin()+4088][flags: 0x0,count:1]
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl1/trace/orcl1_pr10_45419.trc  (incident=564584):
ORA-07445: exception encountered:core dump [kdxlin()+4088][SIGSEGV][ADDR:0xC][PC:0x95FB582][Address not mapped to object]
Incident details in: /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl1/incident/incdir_564640/orcl1_pr17_45433_i564640.trc

尝试随机恢复文件,也遭遇ORA-07445 kdxlin异常

SQL> recover datafile 34;
ORA-00283: recovery session canceled due to errors
ORA-10562: Error occurred while applying redo to data block (file# 34, block#
ORA-10564: tablespace XIFENFEI
ORA-01110: data file 34: '+DATA/orcl/datafile/xifeifenfei06'
ORA-10561: block type 'TRANSACTION MANAGED INDEX BLOCK', data object# 97961
ORA-00607: Internal error occurred while making a change to a data block
ORA-00602: internal programming exception
ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [kdxlin()+4088] [SIGSEGV]
[ADDR:0xC] [PC:0x95FB582] [Address not mapped to object] []



联系:手机/微信(+86 17813235971) QQ(107644445)QQ咨询惜分飞




Reading datafile '/data/u01/ZLDOCXML01.DBF' for corruption at rdba: 0x02efdc97 (file 11, block 3136663)
Reread (file 11, block 3136663) found same corrupt data
Wed Sep 13 19:02:04 2023
Corrupt Block Found
         TSN = 10, TSNAME = ZLDOCXML
         RFN = 11, BLK = 3136663, RDBA = 49274007
         OBJN = 73646, OBJD = 73646, OBJECT = SYS_LOB0000073645C00029$$, SUBOBJECT =
DDE: Problem Key 'ORA 1578' was completely flood controlled (0x6)
Further messages for this problem key will be suppressed for up to 10 minutes


[oracle@zlemr ~]$ dbv file=/data/u01/ZLDOCXML01.DBF

DBVERIFY: Release - Production on Wed Sep 13 17:51:03 2023

Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

DBVERIFY - Verification starting : FILE = /data/u01/ZLDOCXML01.DBF
Page 3136663 is influx - most likely media corrupt
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x02efdc97 (file 11, block 3136663)
Fractured block found during dbv: 
Data in bad block:
 type: 40 format: 2 rdba: 0x02efdc97
 last change scn: 0x0002.1065d622 seq: 0x2 flg: 0x04
 spare1: 0x0 spare2: 0x0 spare3: 0x0
 consistency value in tail: 0x00000001
 check value in block header: 0x48cf
 computed block checksum: 0xfe21

DBVERIFY - Verification complete

Total Pages Examined         : 3289600
Total Pages Processed (Data) : 0
Total Pages Failing   (Data) : 0
Total Pages Processed (Index): 21037
Total Pages Failing   (Index): 0
Total Pages Processed (Lob)  : 2051270
Total Pages Failing   (Lob)  : 0
Total Pages Processed (Other): 1068900
Total Pages Processed (Seg)  : 0
Total Pages Failing   (Seg)  : 0
Total Pages Empty            : 148392
Total Pages Marked Corrupt   : 1
Total Pages Influx           : 1
Total Pages Encrypted        : 0
Highest block SCN            : 278716397 (2.278716397)


[oracle@zlemr ~]$ bbed 

BBED: Release - Limited Production on Wed Sep 13 19:05:53 2023

Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

************* !!! For Oracle Internal Use only !!! ***************

BBED> set filename '/data/u01/ZLDOCXML01.DBF'
        FILENAME        /data/u01/ZLDOCXML01.DBF

BBED> set block 3136663
        BLOCK#          3136663

BBED> verify
DBVERIFY - Verification starting
FILE = /data/u01/ZLDOCXML01.DBF
BLOCK = 3136663

Block 3136663 is corrupt
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x02efdc97 (file 0, block 3136663)
Fractured block found during verification
Data in bad block:
 type: 40 format: 2 rdba: 0x02efdc97
 last change scn: 0x0002.1065d622 seq: 0x2 flg: 0x04
 spare1: 0x0 spare2: 0x0 spare3: 0x0
 consistency value in tail: 0x00000001
 check value in block header: 0x48cf
 computed block checksum: 0xfe21

DBVERIFY - Verification complete

Total Blocks Examined         : 1
Total Blocks Processed (Data) : 0
Total Blocks Failing   (Data) : 0
Total Blocks Processed (Index): 0
Total Blocks Failing   (Index): 0
Total Blocks Empty            : 0
Total Blocks Marked Corrupt   : 1
Total Blocks Influx           : 2
Message 531 not found;  product=RDBMS; facility=BBED

BBED> map
 File: /data/u01/ZLDOCXML01.DBF (0)
 Block: 3136663                                Dba:0x00000000
BBED-00400: invalid blocktype (40)

 File: /data/u01/ZLDOCXML01.DBF (0)
 Block: 3136663           Offsets:    0 to  511           Dba:0x00000000
 28a20000 97dcef02 22d66510 02000204 cf480000 ae1f0100 00000001 00000280 
 93840000 00000000 00000000 00000000 80dcef02 00000000 000d000a 005b4e3b 
 6cbb533b 5e0867e5 623f8bb0 5f55005d 000d000a 4e3b6cbb 533b5e08 67e5623f 
 8bb05f55 00320030 00320033 002d0030 0039002d 00310033 00200030 0039003a 
 00310036 000d000a 4eca65e5 968f9ec4 4e1d51e4 4e3b6cbb 533b5e08 67e5623f 
 002c60a3 80058bc9 65e08179 75dbff0c 65e053d1 70ed3001 754f5bd2 ff0c65e0 
 59346655 30015934 75db3001 773c82b1 ff0c65e0 9f3b585e 30016d41 6d953001 
 54bd75db 300154b3 55fd3001 54b375f0 ff0c65e0 60765fc3 30015455 5410ff0c 
 65e080f8 95f73001 5fc360b8 3001547c 543856f0 96beff0c 65e05c3f 98913001 
 5c3f6025 30015c3f 75dbff0c 65e08179 6cfb7b49 4e0d9002 ff0c7cbe 795e3001 
 98df6b32 30017761 772053ef ff0c5927 5c0f4fbf 6b635e38 300267e5 4f53ff1a 
 751f547d 5f816b63 5e38ff0c 54bd65e0 51458840 ff0c6241 68434f53 65e080bf 
 5927ff0c 53cc4fa7 4e73623f 4e0d80c0 ff0c4e73 6c415206 6ccc591a ff0c672a 
 89e653ca 786c7ed3 ff0c5fc3 80ba672a 89c1660e 663e5f02 5e38ff0c 81798f6f 
 ff0c8179 90e8538b 75dbff0c 65e053cd 8df375db ff0c80a0 9e2397f3 6b635e38 
 30028f85 52a968c0 67e5ff1a 767d5e26 5e3889c4 ff1a767d 7ec680de 0020002b 

 <32 bytes per line>

BBED> set offset 8188
        OFFSET          8188

 File: /data/u01/ZLDOCXML01.DBF (0)
 Block: 3136663           Offsets: 8188 to 8191           Dba:0x00000000

 <32 bytes per line>

BBED> set count 32
        COUNT           32

BBED> set mode edit
        MODE            Edit

 File: /data/u01/ZLDOCXML01.DBF (0)
 Block: 3136663           Offsets:   14 to   45           Dba:0x00000000
 0204cf48 0000ae1f 01000000 00010000 02809384 00000000 00000000 00000000 

 <32 bytes per line>

BBED> set offset 8188
        OFFSET          8188

BBED> m /x 022822d6
 File: /data/u01/ZLDOCXML01.DBF (0)
 Block: 3136663           Offsets: 8188 to 8191           Dba:0x00000000

 <32 bytes per line>

BBED> sum apply
Check value for File 0, Block 3136663:
current = 0x48cf, required = 0x48cf

BBED> verify
DBVERIFY - Verification starting
FILE = /data/u01/ZLDOCXML01.DBF
BLOCK = 3136663

DBVERIFY - Verification complete

Total Blocks Examined         : 1
Total Blocks Processed (Data) : 0
Total Blocks Failing   (Data) : 0
Total Blocks Processed (Index): 0
Total Blocks Failing   (Index): 0
Total Blocks Empty            : 0
Total Blocks Marked Corrupt   : 0
Total Blocks Influx           : 0
Message 531 not found;  product=RDBMS; facility=BBED


[oracle@zlemr ~]$ dbv file=/data/u01/ZLDOCXML01.DBF

DBVERIFY: Release - Production on Wed Sep 13 19:17:21 2023

Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

DBVERIFY - Verification starting : FILE = /data/u01/ZLDOCXML01.DBF

DBVERIFY - Verification complete

Total Pages Examined         : 3289600
Total Pages Processed (Data) : 0
Total Pages Failing   (Data) : 0
Total Pages Processed (Index): 21037
Total Pages Failing   (Index): 0
Total Pages Processed (Lob)  : 2051586
Total Pages Failing   (Lob)  : 0
Total Pages Processed (Other): 1069031
Total Pages Processed (Seg)  : 0
Total Pages Failing   (Seg)  : 0
Total Pages Empty            : 147946
Total Pages Marked Corrupt   : 0
Total Pages Influx           : 0
Total Pages Encrypted        : 0
Highest block SCN            : 278849105 (2.278849105)


ORA-600 ksuloget2 恢复

联系:手机/微信(+86 17813235971) QQ(107644445)QQ咨询惜分飞

标题:ORA-600 ksuloget2 恢复


客户在win 32位的操作系统上调至sga超过2G,数据库运行过程中报ORA-600 ksuloget2错误

Thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence 43586
Checkpoint not complete
  Current log# 1 seq# 43585 mem# 0: D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ORCL\REDO01.LOG
Fri Aug 04 14:57:02 2023
Errors in file d:\oracle\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_ora_42996.trc  (incident=67481):
ORA-00600: 内部错误代码, 参数: [ksuloget2], [0xFEBA6208], [0xFEBA3B08], [500], [0xFEBA622C], [], [], [], [], []
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 43586 (LGWR switch)
  Current log# 2 seq# 43586 mem# 0: D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\ORCL\REDO02.LOG

重启数据库,进行尝试恢复继续报ORA-600 ksuloget2

Thu Aug 17 17:38:27 2023
ALTER DATABASE RECOVER  database using backup controlfile  
Media Recovery Start
 started logmerger process
Parallel Media Recovery started with 24 slaves
ORA-279 signalled during: ALTER DATABASE RECOVER  database using backup controlfile  ...
Thu Aug 17 17:39:01 2023
ALTER DATABASE RECOVER LOGFILE 'D:\oracle\flash_recovery_area\orcl\ARCHIVELOG\2023_08_04\REDO03.LOG'  
Media Recovery Log D:\oracle\flash_recovery_area\orcl\ARCHIVELOG\2023_08_04\REDO03.LOG
Thu Aug 17 17:39:01 2023
Errors in file d:\oracle\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_pr00_5528.trc  (incident=110724):
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ksuloget2], [0xFEBA6E38], [0xFEBA3B08], [500], [0xFEBA6E5C], [], [], [], []
ORA-00342: archived log does not have expected resetlogs SCN 685171428
Errors in file d:\oracle\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_pr00_5528.trc:
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ksuloget2], [0xFEBA6E38], [0xFEBA3B08], [500], [0xFEBA6E5C], [], [], [], []
ORA-00342: archived log does not have expected resetlogs SCN 685171428
Errors in file d:\oracle\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_ora_5604.trc  (incident=110709):
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ksuloget2], [0xFEBA6E38], [0xFEBA3B08], [500], [0xFEBA6E5C], [], [], [], []
ORA-00342: archived log does not have expected resetlogs SCN 685171428
Incident details in: d:\oracle\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\incident\incdir_110709\orcl_ora_5604_i110709.trc
ORA-600 signalled during:ALTER DATABASE RECOVER LOGFILE 'D:\oracle\flash_recovery_area\orcl\2023_08_04\REDO03.LOG'
Errors in file d:\oracle\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_pr00_5528.trc  (incident=110725):
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ksuloget2], [0xFEBA6E38], [0xFEBA3B08], [500], [0xFEBA6E5C], [], [], [], []
Errors in file d:\oracle\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_pr00_5528.trc  (incident=110726):
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ksuloget2], [0xFEBA6E38], [0xFEBA3B08], [500], [0xFEBA6E5C], [], [], [], []
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ksuloget2], [0xFEBA6E38], [0xFEBA3B08], [500], [0xFEBA6E5C], [], [], [], []
Errors in file d:\oracle\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_pr00_5528.trc:
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ksuloget2], [0xFEBA6E38], [0xFEBA3B08], [500], [0xFEBA6E5C], [], [], [], []
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ksuloget2], [0xFEBA6E38], [0xFEBA3B08], [500], [0xFEBA6E5C], [], [], [], []
Errors in file d:\oracle\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_pr00_5528.trc  (incident=110727):
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ksuloget2], [0xFEBA6E38], [0xFEBA3B08], [500], [0xFEBA6E5C], [], [], [], []
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ksuloget2], [0xFEBA6E38], [0xFEBA3B08], [500], [0xFEBA6E5C], [], [], [], []
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ksuloget2], [0xFEBA6E38], [0xFEBA3B08], [500], [0xFEBA6E5C], [], [], [], []
Errors in file d:\oracle\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_pr00_5528.trc  (incident=110728):
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ksuloget2], [0xFEBA6E38], [0xFEBA3B08], [500], [0xFEBA6E5C], [], [], [], []
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ksuloget2], [0xFEBA6E38], [0xFEBA3B08], [500], [0xFEBA6E5C], [], [], [], []
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ksuloget2], [0xFEBA6E38], [0xFEBA3B08], [500], [0xFEBA6E5C], [], [], [], []
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ksuloget2], [0xFEBA6E38], [0xFEBA3B08], [500], [0xFEBA6E5C], [], [], [], []
Errors in file d:\oracle\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_ora_5604.trc  (incident=110710):
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ksuloget2], [0xFEBA6E38], [0xFEBA3B08], [500], [0xFEBA6E5C], [], [], [], []
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ksuloget2], [0xFEBA6E38], [0xFEBA3B08], [500], [0xFEBA6E5C], [], [], [], []
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ksuloget2], [0xFEBA6E38], [0xFEBA3B08], [500], [0xFEBA6E5C], [], [], [], []
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ksuloget2], [0xFEBA6E38], [0xFEBA3B08], [500], [0xFEBA6E5C], [], [], [
Incident details in: d:\oracle\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\incident\incdir_110710\orcl_ora_5604_i110710.trc

由于是应用日志失败,屏蔽日志一致性,强制打开数据库,检查数据ok,业务可以直接使用,对于这类问题,官方建议:ORA-600: [Ksuloget2] Hit on Windows When SGA Greater Than 1G (Doc ID 836109.1)

Oracle 19C 报ORA-704 ORA-01555故障处理

联系:手机/微信(+86 17813235971) QQ(107644445)QQ咨询惜分飞

标题:Oracle 19C 报ORA-704 ORA-01555故障处理


异常断电导致数据库无法启动,尝试对数据文件进行recover操作,报ORA-00283 ORA-00742 ORA-00312错误,由于redo写丢失无法正常应用

D:\check_db>sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on 星期日 7月 30 07:49:19 2023

Copyright (c) 1982, 2019, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production

SQL> recover datafile 1;
ORA-00283: 恢复会话因错误而取消
ORA-00742: 日志读取在线程 1 序列 9274 块 18057 中检测到写入丢失情况


SQL> alter database open resetlogs;
alter database open resetlogs
第 1 行出现错误:
ORA-00603: ORACLE server session terminated by fatal error
ORA-01092: ORACLE instance terminated. Disconnection forced
ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure
ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 9 with name
"_SYSSMU9_4165470211$" too small
进程 ID: 4036
会话 ID: 2277 序列号: 40707


.... (PID:5836): Clearing online redo logfile 1 complete
.... (PID:5836): Clearing online redo logfile 2 complete
.... (PID:5836): Clearing online redo logfile 3 complete
Resetting resetlogs activation ID 3572089731 (0xd4e9c383)
Online log D:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\ORADATA\XFF\REDO01.LOG: Thread 1 Group 1 was previously cleared
Online log D:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\ORADATA\XFF\REDO02.LOG: Thread 1 Group 2 was previously cleared
Online log D:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\ORADATA\XFF\REDO03.LOG: Thread 1 Group 3 was previously cleared
Setting recovery target incarnation to 2
Ping without log force is disabled:
  instance mounted in exclusive mode.
Endian type of dictionary set to little
Assigning activation ID 3664275149 (0xda6866cd)
TT00 (PID:4640): Gap Manager starting
Redo log for group 1, sequence 1 is not located on DAX storage
Thread 1 opened at log sequence 1
  Current log# 1 seq# 1 mem# 0: D:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\ORADATA\XFF\REDO01.LOG
Successful open of redo thread 1
MTTR advisory is disabled because FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET is not set
stopping change tracking
TT03 (PID:1816): Sleep 5 seconds and then try to clear SRLs in 2 time(s)
ORA-01555 caused by SQL statement below (SQL ID: 4krwuz0ctqxdt, SCN: 
select ctime, mtime, stime from obj$ where obj# = :1
Errors in file D:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\diag\rdbms\xff\xff\trace\xff_ora_5836.trc:
ORA-00704: 引导程序进程失败
ORA-00604: 递归 SQL 级别 1 出现错误
ORA-01555: 快照过旧: 回退段号 9 (名称为 "_SYSSMU9_4165470211$") 过小
Errors in file D:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\diag\rdbms\xff\xff\trace\xff_ora_5836.trc:
ORA-00704: 引导程序进程失败
ORA-00704: 引导程序进程失败
ORA-00604: 递归 SQL 级别 1 出现错误
ORA-01555: 快照过旧: 回退段号 9 (名称为 "_SYSSMU9_4165470211$") 过小
Errors in file D:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\diag\rdbms\xff\xff\trace\xff_ora_5836.trc:
ORA-00704: 引导程序进程失败
ORA-00704: 引导程序进程失败
ORA-00604: 递归 SQL 级别 1 出现错误
ORA-01555: 快照过旧: 回退段号 9 (名称为 "_SYSSMU9_4165470211$") 过小
Error 704 happened during db open, shutting down database
Errors in file D:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\diag\rdbms\xff\xff\trace\xff_ora_5836.trc  (incident=474502):
ORA-00603: ORACLE 服务器会话因致命错误而终止
ORA-01092: ORACLE 实例终止。强制断开连接
ORA-00704: 引导程序进程失败
ORA-00704: 引导程序进程失败
ORA-00604: 递归 SQL 级别 1 出现错误
ORA-01555: 快照过旧: 回退段号 9 (名称为 "_SYSSMU9_4165470211$") 过小
Incident details in: D:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\diag\rdbms\xff\xff\incident\incdir_474502\xff_ora_5836_i474502.trc
opiodr aborting process unknown ospid (5836) as a result of ORA-603
ORA-603 : opitsk aborting process
License high water mark = 6
USER (ospid: (prelim)): terminating the instance due to ORA error 

Oracle Recovery Tools恢复—ORA-00704 ORA-01555故障
对于本次故障,通过Oracle Recovery Tools工具快速处理


SQL> alter database open;


SQL> select status,count(1) from v$datafile group by status;

STATUS           COUNT(1)
-------------- ----------
SYSTEM                  1
ONLINE                 61


联系:手机/微信(+86 17813235971) QQ(107644445)QQ咨询惜分飞



Oracle Exadata客户,在换盘过程中,cell节点又一块磁盘损坏,导致datac1磁盘组(该磁盘组是normal方式冗余)无法mount

Thu Jul 20 22:01:21 2023
SQL> alter diskgroup datac1 mount force 
NOTE: cache registered group DATAC1 number=1 incarn=0x0728ad12
NOTE: cache began mount (first) of group DATAC1 number=1 incarn=0x0728ad12
NOTE: Assigning number (1,35) to disk (o/;
NOTE: Assigning number (1,31) to disk (o/;
NOTE: Assigning number (1,24) to disk (o/;
NOTE: Assigning number (1,25) to disk (o/;
NOTE: Assigning number (1,27) to disk (o/;
NOTE: Assigning number (1,33) to disk (o/;
NOTE: Assigning number (1,30) to disk (o/;
NOTE: Assigning number (1,28) to disk (o/;
NOTE: Assigning number (1,26) to disk (o/;
NOTE: Assigning number (1,1) to disk (o/;
NOTE: Assigning number (1,34) to disk (o/;
NOTE: Assigning number (1,29) to disk (o/;
NOTE: Assigning number (1,3) to disk (o/;
NOTE: Assigning number (1,4) to disk (o/;
NOTE: Assigning number (1,5) to disk (o/;
NOTE: Assigning number (1,6) to disk (o/;
NOTE: Assigning number (1,7) to disk (o/;
NOTE: Assigning number (1,8) to disk (o/;
NOTE: Assigning number (1,9) to disk (o/;
NOTE: Assigning number (1,10) to disk (o/;
NOTE: Assigning number (1,11) to disk (o/;
NOTE: Assigning number (1,21) to disk (o/;
NOTE: Assigning number (1,43) to disk (o/;
NOTE: Assigning number (1,36) to disk (o/;
NOTE: Assigning number (1,37) to disk (o/;
NOTE: Assigning number (1,38) to disk (o/;
NOTE: Assigning number (1,0) to disk (o/;
NOTE: Assigning number (1,40) to disk (o/;
NOTE: Assigning number (1,41) to disk (o/;
NOTE: Assigning number (1,42) to disk (o/;
NOTE: Assigning number (1,44) to disk (o/;
NOTE: Assigning number (1,45) to disk (o/;
NOTE: Assigning number (1,46) to disk (o/;
NOTE: Assigning number (1,47) to disk (o/;
NOTE: Assigning number (1,2) to disk (o/;
Thu Jul 20 22:01:28 2023
NOTE: GMON heartbeating for grp 1
GMON querying group 1 at 450 for pid 30, osid 171838
NOTE: Assigning number (1,32) to disk ()
NOTE: Assigning number (1,39) to disk ()
GMON querying group 1 at 451 for pid 30, osid 171838
NOTE: cache closing disk 32 of grp 1: (not open) 
NOTE: process _user171838_+asm1 (171838) 
     initiating offline of disk 39.3915945266 () with mask 0x7e[0x7f] in group 1
NOTE: initiating PST update: grp = 1, dsk = 39/0xe9689532, mask = 0x6a, op = clear
GMON updating disk modes for group 1 at 452 for pid 30, osid 171838
NOTE: cache closing disk 32 of grp 1: (not open) 
ERROR: Disk 39 cannot be offlined, since all the disks [39, 32] with mirrored data would be offline.
ERROR: too many offline disks in PST (grp 1)
WARNING: Offline for disk  in mode 0x7f failed.
NOTE: cache dismounting (not clean) group 1/0x0728AD12 (DATAC1) 
NOTE: messaging CKPT to quiesce pins Unix process pid: 171838, image: oracle@dm01dbadm01.gyzq.cn (TNS V1-V3)
NOTE: dbwr not being msg'd to dismount
NOTE: lgwr not being msg'd to dismount
NOTE: cache dismounted group 1/0x0728AD12 (DATAC1) 
NOTE: cache ending mount (fail) of group DATAC1 number=1 incarn=0x0728ad12
NOTE: cache deleting context for group DATAC1 1/0x0728ad12
NOTE: cache closing disk 32 of grp 1: (not open) 
GMON dismounting group 1 at 453 for pid 30, osid 171838
NOTE: Disk DATAC1_CD_08_DM01CELADM01 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk DATAC1_CD_08_DM01CELADM03 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk DATAC1_CD_04_DM01CELADM01 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk DATAC1_CD_07_DM01CELADM02 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk DATAC1_CD_06_DM01CELADM02 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk DATAC1_CD_00_DM01CELADM02 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk DATAC1_CD_10_DM01CELADM02 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk DATAC1_CD_08_DM01CELADM02 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk DATAC1_CD_03_DM01CELADM02 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk DATAC1_CD_11_DM01CELADM02 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk DATAC1_CD_01_DM01CELADM02 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk DATAC1_CD_04_DM01CELADM02 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk DATAC1_CD_05_DM01CELADM02 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk DATAC1_CD_00_DM01CELADM03 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk DATAC1_CD_01_DM01CELADM03 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk DATAC1_CD_02_DM01CELADM03 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk DATAC1_CD_03_DM01CELADM03 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk DATAC1_CD_04_DM01CELADM03 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk DATAC1_CD_05_DM01CELADM03 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk DATAC1_CD_06_DM01CELADM03 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk DATAC1_CD_07_DM01CELADM03 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk  in mode 0x1 marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk DATAC1_CD_09_DM01CELADM03 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk DATAC1_CD_10_DM01CELADM03 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk DATAC1_CD_11_DM01CELADM03 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk DATAC1_CD_07_DM01CELADM01 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk DATAC1_CD_09_DM01CELADM01 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk DATAC1_CD_11_DM01CELADM01 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk  in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk DATAC1_CD_00_DM01CELADM01 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk DATAC1_CD_03_DM01CELADM01 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk DATAC1_CD_06_DM01CELADM01 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk DATAC1_CD_02_DM01CELADM02 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk DATAC1_CD_05_DM01CELADM01 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk DATAC1_CD_01_DM01CELADM01 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk DATAC1_CD_02_DM01CELADM01 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
NOTE: Disk DATAC1_CD_10_DM01CELADM01 in mode 0x7f marked for de-assignment
ERROR: diskgroup DATAC1 was not mounted
ORA-15032: not all alterations performed
ORA-15040: diskgroup is incomplete
ORA-15066: offlining disk "39" in group "DATAC1" may result in a data loss
ORA-15042: ASM disk "39" is missing from group number "1" 
ORA-15042: ASM disk "32" is missing from group number "1" 
ERROR: alter diskgroup datac1 mount force

故障原因是由于asm disk 32还已经损坏在换盘过程中(数据没有reblance完成),又损坏了asm disk 39,而这两份磁盘中有数据互为镜像,因此磁盘组无法正常mount起来.


对于这种情况,因为normal冗余的两份数据都有部分丢失,无法直接恢复数据,通过底层磁盘级别恢复(参考以前一次的Oracle exadata故障恢复:Oracle Exadata坏盘导致磁盘组无法mount恢复),然后比较顺利恢复数据,实现业务数据0丢失

SQL> alter datac1 mount;

Diskgroup altered.

SQL> alter diskgroup datac1 check all;

Diskgroup altered.



ORA-01122 ORA-01208 故障处理

联系:手机/微信(+86 17813235971) QQ(107644445)QQ咨询惜分飞

标题:ORA-01122 ORA-01208 故障处理


数据库突然故障ORA-01122 ORA-01208,导致实例crash

Tue Jul 11 09:06:43 2023
Thread 1 cannot allocate new log, sequence 254989
Private strand flush not complete
  Current log# 3 seq# 254988 mem# 0: E:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\ORADATA\xff\REDO03.LOG
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 254989 (LGWR switch)
  Current log# 1 seq# 254989 mem# 0: E:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\ORADATA\xff\REDO01.LOG
Tue Jul 11 09:09:46 2023
Read of datafile 'E:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\ORADATA\xff\SYSTEM01.DBF' (fno 1) header failed with ORA-01208
Rereading datafile 1 header found valid data
Repaired corruption in datafile 1 header
Read of datafile 'E:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\ORADATA\xff\SYSAUX01.DBF' (fno 2) header failed with ORA-01208
Rereading datafile 2 header found valid data
Repaired corruption in datafile 2 header
Read of datafile 'E:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\ORADATA\xff\UNDOTBS01.DBF' (fno 3) header failed with ORA-01208
Rereading datafile 3 header failed with ORA-01208
Errors in file E:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\diag\rdbms\xff\xff\trace\xff_ckpt_5820.trc:
ORA-01242: data file suffered media failure: database in NOARCHIVELOG mode
ORA-01122: database file 3 failed verification check
ORA-01208: data file is an old version - not accessing current version
Errors in file E:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\diag\rdbms\xff\xff\trace\xff_ckpt_5820.trc:
ORA-01242: data file suffered media failure: database in NOARCHIVELOG mode
ORA-01122: database file 3 failed verification check
ORA-01208: data file is an old version - not accessing current version
CKPT (ospid: 5820): terminating the instance due to error 1242
Tue Jul 11 09:10:10 2023
Instance terminated by CKPT, pid = 5820
Tue Jul 11 09:18:32 2023


Tue Jul 11 09:18:41 2023
alter database mount exclusive
Successful mount of redo thread 1, with mount id 1485684209
Database mounted in Exclusive Mode
Lost write protection disabled
Completed: alter database mount exclusive
alter database open
Errors in file E:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\diag\rdbms\xff\xff\trace\xff_ora_406776.trc:
ORA-01113: file 3 needs media recovery
ORA-1113 signalled during: alter database open...

通过Oracle Database Recovery Check工具分析

确认数据库恢复需要sequence为254986的日志,但是数据库为非归档模式,redo已经被覆盖,因此常规方法无法正常open库,通过Oracle Recovery Tools工具快速修改文件头实现数据库文件头一致,open数据库成功


联系:手机/微信(+86 17813235971) QQ(107644445)QQ咨询惜分飞



客户那边硬件故障(raid损坏磁盘超过了极限,导致raid offline),通过硬件恢复出来数据文件,然后尝试自行恢复,我接手的时候大量数据文件resetlogs scn异常.


WARNING: Default Temporary Tablespace not specified in CREATE DATABASE command
Default Temporary Tablespace will be necessary for a locally managed database in future release
Errors in file /home/oracle/app/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_5949.trc:
ORA-01189: file is from a different RESETLOGS than previous files
ORA-01110: data file 153: '/home/oracle/oracledata/orcl/sysaux02.dbf'

通过修改文件头然后重建控制文件,可以通过bbed,或者我的小工具Oracle Recovery Tools
Oracle Recovery Tools 解决ORA-01190 ORA-01248等故障

WARNING: Default Temporary Tablespace not specified in CREATE DATABASE command
Default Temporary Tablespace will be necessary for a locally managed database in future release
Errors in file /home/oracle/app/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_34075.trc:
ORA-01200: actual file size of 2015415 is smaller than correct size of 2944000 blocks
ORA-01110: data file 178: '/home/oracle/oracledata/orcl/xifenfei20_10.dbf'


尝试open数据库报ORA-600 2662错误

SQL> alter database open resetlogs;
alter database open resetlogs
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00603: ORACLE server session terminated by fatal error
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [2662], [5], [1653389530], [5],
[1653496702], [12583040], [], [], [], [], [], []
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [2662], [5], [1653389529], [5],
[1653496702], [12583040], [], [], [], [], [], []
ORA-01092: ORACLE instance terminated. Disconnection forced
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [2662], [5], [1653389527], [5],
[1653496702], [12583040], [], [], [], [], [], []
Process ID: 4710
Session ID: 1847 Serial number: 3

硬件故障导致ORA-600 2662错误处理
Patch SCN工具快速解决ORA-600 2662问题


联系:手机/微信(+86 17813235971) QQ(107644445)QQ咨询惜分飞




SQL> select name,dbid,PLATFORM_ID,PLATFORM_NAME from v$database;

--------- ---------- -----------
ARMDB     1195886419          23
Linux OS (AARCH64)
[oracle@xifenfei dul]$ ./dul

Data UnLoader: - Internal Only - on Sun Jul  9 22:05:51 2023
with 64-bit io functions and the decompression option

Copyright (c) 1994 2023 Bernard van Duijnen All rights reserved.

 Strictly Oracle Internal Use Only

DUL: Warning: ulimit process stack size is only 33554432
Found db_id = 1195886419
Found db_name = ARMDB
DUL> bootstrap;
Probing file = 1, block = 520
. unloading table                BOOTSTRAP$
DUL: Warning: block number is non zero but marked deferred trying to process it anyhow
      60 rows unloaded
Reading BOOTSTRAP.dat 60 entries loaded
Parsing Bootstrap$ contents
Generating dict.ddl for version 12
 OBJ$: segobjno 18, file 1 block 240
 TAB$: segobjno 2, tabno 1, file 1  block 144
 COL$: segobjno 2, tabno 5, file 1  block 144
 USER$: segobjno 10, tabno 1, file 1  block 208
Running generated file "@dict.ddl" to unload the dictionary tables
. unloading table                      OBJ$   23092 rows unloaded
. unloading table                      TAB$    1794 rows unloaded
. unloading table                      COL$  118438 rows unloaded
. unloading table                     USER$      85 rows unloaded
Reading USER.dat 85 entries loaded
Reading OBJ.dat 23092 entries loaded and sorted 23092 entries
Reading TAB.dat 1794 entries loaded
Reading COL.dat 118438 entries loaded and sorted 118438 entries
Reading BOOTSTRAP.dat 60 entries loaded

DUL: Warning: Recreating file "dict.ddl"
Generating dict.ddl for version 12
 OBJ$: segobjno 18, file 1 block 240
 TAB$: segobjno 2, tabno 1, file 1  block 144
 COL$: segobjno 2, tabno 5, file 1  block 144
 USER$: segobjno 10, tabno 1, file 1  block 208
 TABPART$: segobjno 822, file 1 block 5496
 INDPART$: segobjno 827, file 1 block 5536
 TABCOMPART$: segobjno 844, file 1 block 5672
 INDCOMPART$: segobjno 849, file 1 block 5712
 TABSUBPART$: segobjno 834, file 1 block 5592
 INDSUBPART$: segobjno 839, file 1 block 5632
 IND$: segobjno 2, tabno 3, file 1  block 144
 ICOL$: segobjno 2, tabno 4, file 1  block 144
 LOB$: segobjno 2, tabno 6, file 1  block 144
 COLTYPE$: segobjno 2, tabno 7, file 1  block 144
 TYPE$: segobjno 748, tabno 1, file 1  block 4960
 COLLECTION$: segobjno 748, tabno 2, file 1  block 4960
 ATTRIBUTE$: segobjno 748, tabno 3, file 1  block 4960
 LOBFRAG$: segobjno 855, file 1 block 5768
 LOBCOMPPART$: segobjno 858, file 1 block 5792
 UNDO$: segobjno 15, file 1 block 224
 TS$: segobjno 6, tabno 2, file 1  block 176
 PROPS$: segobjno 127, file 1 block 1320
Running generated file "@dict.ddl" to unload the dictionary tables
. unloading table                      OBJ$
DUL: Warning: Recreating file "OBJ.ctl"
   23092 rows unloaded
. unloading table                      TAB$
DUL: Warning: Recreating file "TAB.ctl"
    1794 rows unloaded
. unloading table                      COL$
DUL: Warning: Recreating file "COL.ctl"
  118438 rows unloaded
. unloading table                     USER$
DUL: Warning: Recreating file "USER.ctl"
      85 rows unloaded
. unloading table                  TABPART$     320 rows unloaded
. unloading table                  INDPART$     186 rows unloaded
. unloading table               TABCOMPART$       1 row  unloaded
. unloading table               INDCOMPART$       0 rows unloaded
. unloading table               TABSUBPART$      32 rows unloaded
. unloading table               INDSUBPART$       0 rows unloaded
. unloading table                      IND$    2273 rows unloaded
. unloading table                     ICOL$    4155 rows unloaded
. unloading table                      LOB$     566 rows unloaded
. unloading table                  COLTYPE$    2794 rows unloaded
. unloading table                     TYPE$    4381 rows unloaded
. unloading table               COLLECTION$     983 rows unloaded
. unloading table                ATTRIBUTE$   11584 rows unloaded
. unloading table                  LOBFRAG$       8 rows unloaded
. unloading table              LOBCOMPPART$       0 rows unloaded
. unloading table                     UNDO$      11 rows unloaded
. unloading table                       TS$       5 rows unloaded
. unloading table                    PROPS$      39 rows unloaded
Reading USER.dat 85 entries loaded
Reading OBJ.dat 23092 entries loaded and sorted 23092 entries
Reading TAB.dat 1794 entries loaded
Reading COL.dat 118438 entries loaded and sorted 118438 entries
Reading TABPART.dat 320 entries loaded and sorted 320 entries
Reading TABCOMPART.dat 1 entries loaded and sorted 1 entries
Reading TABSUBPART.dat 32 entries loaded and sorted 32 entries
Reading INDPART.dat 186 entries loaded and sorted 186 entries
Reading INDCOMPART.dat 0 entries loaded and sorted 0 entries
Reading INDSUBPART.dat 0 entries loaded and sorted 0 entries
Reading IND.dat 2273 entries loaded
Reading LOB.dat 566 entries loaded
Reading ICOL.dat 4155 entries loaded
Reading COLTYPE.dat 2794 entries loaded
Reading TYPE.dat
DUL: Notice: Increased the size of DC_TYPES from 4096 to 32768 entries
 4381 entries loaded
Reading ATTRIBUTE.dat 11584 entries loaded
Reading COLLECTION.dat 983 entries loaded
Reading BOOTSTRAP.dat 60 entries loaded
Reading LOBFRAG.dat 8 entries loaded and sorted 8 entries
Reading LOBCOMPPART.dat 0 entries loaded and sorted 0 entries
Reading UNDO.dat 11 entries loaded
Reading TS.dat 5 entries loaded
Reading PROPS.dat 39 entries loaded
Database character set is AL32UTF8
Database national character set is AL16UTF16
DUL> unload table sys.obj$;
. unloading table                      OBJ$   23092 rows unloaded



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Completed: alter database mount exclusive
alter database open
Errors in file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_dbw0_4060.trc:
ORA-01157: cannot identify/lock data file 6 - see DBWR trace file
ORA-01110: data file 6: 'D:\DATASPACE\XXXXX.DBF'
ORA-27041: unable to open file
OSD-04002: 无法打开文件
O/S-Error: (OS 2) 系统找不到指定的文件。
Errors in file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_dbw0_4060.trc:
ORA-01157: cannot identify/lock data file 38 - see DBWR trace file
ORA-01110: data file 38: 'D:\DATASPACE\XXXXX24.DBF'
ORA-27041: unable to open file
OSD-04002: 无法打开文件
O/S-Error: (OS 2) 系统找不到指定的文件。
Tue Jun 27 14:50:28 2023
Checker run found 2 new persistent data failures


Tue Jun 27 16:45:10 2023
Errors in file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_dbw0_5456.trc:
ORA-01157: cannot identify/lock data file 6 - see DBWR trace file
ORA-01110: data file 6: 'D:\DATASPACE\XXXXX.DBF'
ORA-27047: unable to read the header block of file
OSD-04006: ReadFile() 失败, 无法读取文件
O/S-Error: (OS 38) 已到文件结尾。


Errors in file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_dbw0_5456.trc:
ORA-01157: cannot identify/lock data file 38 - see DBWR trace file
ORA-01110: data file 38: 'D:\DATASPACE\XXXXX24.DBF'
ORA-27041: unable to open file
OSD-04002: 无法打开文件
O/S-Error: (OS 2) 系统找不到指定的文件。
Errors in file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_ora_648.trc:
ORA-01157: 无法标识/锁定数据文件 6 - 请参阅 DBWR 跟踪文件
ORA-01110: 数据文件 6: 'D:\DATASPACE\XXXXX.DBF'
ORA-1157 signalled during: ALTER DATABASE OPEN...
Tue Jun 27 16:48:43 2023
alter database datafile 'D:\DATASPACE\XXXXX.DBF' offline drop
Completed: alter database datafile 'D:\DATASPACE\XXXXX.DBF' offline drop
Tue Jun 27 16:49:08 2023
alter database open
Tue Jun 27 16:49:08 2023
Errors in file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_dbw0_5456.trc:
ORA-01157: cannot identify/lock data file 38 - see DBWR trace file
ORA-01110: data file 38: 'D:\DATASPACE\XXXXX24.DBF'
ORA-27041: unable to open file
OSD-04002: 无法打开文件
O/S-Error: (OS 2) 系统找不到指定的文件。
Errors in file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_ora_3976.trc:
ORA-01157: 无法标识/锁定数据文件 38 - 请参阅 DBWR 跟踪文件
ORA-01110: 数据文件 38: 'D:\DATASPACE\XXXXX24.DBF'
ORA-1157 signalled during: alter database open...
Tue Jun 27 16:49:08 2023
Checker run found 1 new persistent data failures
Tue Jun 27 16:49:28 2023
alter database datafile 'D:\DATASPACE\XXXXX24.DBF' offline drop
Completed: alter database datafile 'D:\DATASPACE\XXXXX24.DBF' offline drop
alter database open
Tue Jun 27 16:49:37 2023
Thread 1 opened at log sequence 145929
  Current log# 3 seq# 145929 mem# 0: D:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\ORADATA\ORCL\REDO03.LOG
Successful open of redo thread 1
MTTR advisory is disabled because FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET is not set
Tue Jun 27 16:49:37 2023
SMON: enabling cache recovery
Successfully onlined Undo Tablespace 2.
Verifying file header compatibility for 11g tablespace encryption..
Verifying 11g file header compatibility for tablespace encryption completed
SMON: enabling tx recovery
Database Characterset is ZHS16GBK
No Resource Manager plan active
Tue Jun 27 16:49:39 2023
replication_dependency_tracking turned off (no async multimaster replication found)
Starting background process QMNC
Tue Jun 27 16:49:40 2023
QMNC started with pid=21, OS id=6096 
Completed: alter database open
Tue Jun 27 16:49:43 2023
db_recovery_file_dest_size of 4096 MB is 0.00% used. This is a
user-specified limit on the amount of space that will be used by this
database for recovery-related files, and does not reflect the amount of
space available in the underlying filesystem or ASM diskgroup.
Tue Jun 27 16:49:44 2023
Starting background process CJQ0
Tue Jun 27 16:49:44 2023
CJQ0 started with pid=142, OS id=6036 
Tue Jun 27 16:49:48 2023
Errors in file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_j007_5184.trc:
ORA-12012: 自动执行作业 64 出错
ORA-00376: 此时无法读取文件 6
ORA-01110: 数据文件 6: 'D:\DATASPACE\XXXXX.DBF'
ORA-06512: 在 "XIFENFEI.XXXXXXXX", line 2897
ORA-06512: 在 line 1
Tue Jun 27 16:51:52 2023
Errors in file d:\app\administrator\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_j000_2548.trc:
ORA-12012: 自动执行作业 64 出错
ORA-00376: 此时无法读取文件 6
ORA-01110: 数据文件 6: 'D:\DATASPACE\XXXXX.DBF'
ORA-06512: 在 "XIFENFEI.XXXXXXXX", line 2897
ORA-06512: 在 line 1
Tue Jun 27 16:54:44 2023
Starting background process SMCO
Tue Jun 27 16:54:44 2023
SMCO started with pid=42, OS id=908 
Tue Jun 27 16:55:52 2023



Oracle 数据文件大小为0kb或者文件丢失恢复
分享运气超级好的一次drop tablespace 数据恢复